The Role of Private Security Arrangements In Nigeria’S Neighbourhood Peacekeeping and Community Security
A peaceful and secure environment is observed as one of the requirements for the development and attainment of good and quality of human life. This is also one of the fundamental responsibilities of governments across all levels. However due to the increased security challenges in the society and the overstretched nature of the security agencies especially the Nigeria Police, both private and public entities,neighbourhoods and communities have resorted to the use of PrivateSecurity Arrangements to combat and prevent crime in their domain. This study examines and analyzes the role of private security arrangement in some Nigeria’s neighbourhood and community safety. The study adopts a field survey research; primary data were collected through oral interviews from the sample population in Ado, Ekiti State; Akure, OndoState; and Ilesha, Osun State Nigeria. The study found out that private security arrangements play a remarkable role in crime prevention and control. It therefore recommend that private security arrangement should be encouraged and accommo dated in the policing system in order for communities to maximize their full crime controlpotentials, since no government has the wherewithal to provide one hundred percent security for its people. This would help to complement efforts of the police in community crime prevention and control