Publisher: University of Calabar

The African Charter On Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration Contributions In Mauritius

Gilbert Roland, Pratima Bulato Jharee
KEYWORDS: African Charter, Mauritius, administration, values and principles, public service


Mauritius recently ratified the African Charter of Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration. This paper examines how this tool contributes to the enhancement of governance in Mauritius. Application of its protocols, highlights on article 20 and 25, recognition and award systems, in key areas as well as performance management are discussed to see how their contributions towards professionalization in the Mauritian context. Overall it acts as a catalyst to improved quality of customer services towards excellence. The charter is also an instrument for regional and continental integration.

Mauritius recently ratified the African Charter of Values and Principles of Public Service and
Administration. This paper examines how this tool contributes to the enhancement of governance in
Mauritius. Application of its protocols, highlights on article 20 and 25, recognition and award systems, in
key areas as well as performance management are discussed to see how their contributions towards
professionalization in the Mauritian context. Overall it acts as a catalyst to improved quality of customer
services towards excellence. The charter is also an instrument for regional and continental integration.

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