Political Groups As Important Element In Political Decision Making In Nigeria
This paper examines political groups as an important element in political decision making particularly in plural and democratic societies. It aligned and relied heavily with the group politics behavioural model of political analysis. It argues that politics generally involves the struggle for the control and exercise of political power within the complex dynamics of group politics. Similarly, it maintains that in a plural democratic society, individual citizens can only best realize their ambition of influencing government policies through group participation in politics. The paper found that political groups influence political decision making through variety of ways including public education campaigns, civil disobedience and violence, civil litigation, lobbying, protests, demonstration and strikes, electoral activities as well as control of information and
expertise. The paper concludes that through these activities, political groups greatly contribute to the strengthening of democracy and democratic process by setting agenda on development issues, informing political decision makers about the needs of the people, conscientizing citizens on public matters, encouraging political participation and providing platform for collective action, which leads to socio-political transformation and improved living conditions for the general public.