How Academix is Benefitting
Ideas for possible research topics
Academix provides a great platform for research students to get ideas for possible topics to work on. Using Academix, students can get an idea of what other researchers are doing and how far they have gone with their work.
Access to online research knowledgebase
Through its partnerships with various research institutions, Academix provides a vast online research knowledgebase covering a wide variety of academic disciplines.
Speed of access
Academix offers students the opportunity to have instant access to research papers of interest to them. These papers can be downloaded to PCs, laptops, tablets or mobile devices.
Cost savings
Subscribing to the Academix website offers students considerable cost benefits over traditional means of accessing research papers from other institutions.
Increased visibility
By having their research indexed on Academix, lecturers are able to raise visibility for their work and areas of research interest. This could lead to funding from industry, government or other research institutions.
Exposure to opportunities for collaboration with other researchers
Academix provides a great way for lecturers to learn about what other researchers across a wide selection of institutions are working on and to find ways of collaborating with them on mutually beneficial research work.
Ideas for possible research topics
Academix provides a great platform for lecturers to get ideas for possible topics to research. Using Academix, lecturers can get an idea of what other researchers are doing and how far they have gone with their work.
Access to online research knowledgebase
Through its partnerships with various research institutions, Academix aims to provide a vast online research knowledgebase covering a wide variety of academic disciplines.
Speed of access
Academix offers lecturers the opportunity to have instant access to research papers of interest to them. These papers can be downloaded to PCs, laptops, tablets or mobile devices.
Cost savings
Subscribing to the Academix website offers lecturers considerable cost benefits over traditional means of accessing research papers from other institutions.
Opportunity to promote areas of research focus
Hosting research papers on Academix is a great way for universities and other research institutions to demonstrate their vast knowledge and expertise in particular academic disciplines.
Enhanced opportunities for collaboration with other institutions
Hosting research papers on Academix will help universities and other research institutions open up opportunities for mutually beneficial collaboration between themselves and other institutions.
Discounts on corporate subscriptions
Universities and other research institutions may benefit from discounted corporate subscription rates for access to the Academix research knowledgebase. These corporate subscriptions may be enjoyed by staff and students of the university.
Policy formulation
Governments across all levels may benefit from the Academix digital library in policy guidance and formulation.
Access to online research knowledgebase
Through its partnerships with various research institutions, Academix provides a vast online research knowledgebase covering a wide variety of academic disciplines.
Speed of access
Academix offers government agencies the opportunity to have instant access to research papers of interest to them. These papers can be downloaded to PCs, laptops, tablets or mobile devices.
Product development
By availing themselves of Academix, businesses can benefit from this vast knowledge platform offered by Academix to translate research to relevant products for existing and new markets.
Access to online research knowledgebase
Through its partnerships with various research institutions, Academix aims to provide a vast online research knowledgebase covering a wide variety of academic disciplines.
Speed of access
Academix offers businesses the opportunity to have instant access to research papers of interest to them. These papers can be downloaded to PCs, laptops, tablets or mobile devices.
Discounts on corporate subscriptions
Businesses may benefit from discounted corporate subscription rates for access to the Academix research knowledgebase.