Challenges of Intercity Bus Travel In Nigeria
The study examined the challenges of inter-city travel in Nigeria. The administered 398 copies of questionnaire to the passengers from the 17 inter-city transport companies in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Nigeria using random sampling technique. Descriptive statistics in form of frequency and percentage were used for the analysis. Results revealed a total lack of governmental control and regulatory body in managing the operations of both private and government-owned transport companies. Also, the study further revealed a high level of uneducated personnel from the operators down to the drivers and crew; frequent breakdown of vehicles, delays, accidents; luggage at owner’s risk and no insurance policy in case of any eventuality; multiple taxes, and challenges in acquisition/construction of standard terminals due to inadequate capital; energy crisis and bad roads, etc. The study recommended that strict regulation should be drawn to guarantee good quality service in terms of safety, services, mechanical condition and sanitary condition of vehicles.

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Wekpe V.o.
Ajayi E.o.