ICT Infrastructure and Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMES) In Nigeria: An Impact Assessment of Microfinance Banks
The study examines the application of Information and Communications Technology (ICTs) Infrastructure in the Nigerian Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) with a view to assessing the Microfinance Banks in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja. The study underscores the importance of ICT infrastructure where for SMEs to be relevant, they have to devise ways of bridging the digital divide. The study employs opinion survey. Analysis of data was conducted using tables and charts. The research reveals that SMEs in Abuja, Nigeria did not seem to be acquiring relevant ICT infrastructures. Although computers were found in virtually all the SMEs offices they were not connected to the information super highway. The study recommends that SMEs must equip themselves adequately with ICT facilities, computers should necessarily be connected to the information super highway, and the energy sector should urgently be over-hauled to ensure constant and uninterrupted electricity supply.

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Umar G. Kari
Usman, Bapi