Risk and Benefits of Information Technology (IT) Outsourcing In Nigerian Polytechnic Libraries
Polytechnics in Nigeria have been faced with shrinking financial resources allocated to them by the government, coupled with the need to increase enrolment and a growing demand by students for digital facilities. To survive in the face of this economic downturn, Polytechnics are now opting to outsource Information Technology (IT) in their academic libraries as a cost effective option for the upgrade of IT infrastructure with a view to meeting the growing expectations of students and the job market that is in constant demand for technologically literate and capable workforce. Using extensive literature review, the paper carried out an historical overview and a detailed review of the pros and cons of IT outsourcing in higher education institutions. The paper further highlights critical considerations in the planning and implementation of IT outsourcing interventions in Nigerian Polytechnic libraries to serve as a guide to management and library staff.

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