Prostitution As A Social Evil In Nigeria: issues and Challenges
The global increase in expansion of various kinds of business due to urbanization, population explosion and the perpetual need to meet man’s basic needs has posed social and economic challenges to most societies. This challenges no doubt, had also resulted to increase in crime rate while there is continuous quest to liberalize some questionable social and moral actions of the citizens. Prostitution falls into this category. Although, the legal status of prostitution varies from country to country but its existence has gone global and the industry is estimated to be generating over $100 billion annually. This research therefore is written to explore the issues and challenges of prostitution as a social evil. The researchers shall elicit data from both primary and secondary sources while analysis of the data shall be made using frequency, simple percentages and tabular method respectively. The research concludes that though, prostitution may have contributed to the economic and social well-being of commercial sex workers, it still calls for moral questioning considering the hazard involved in the business and it is also counterproductive to the global quest for women emancipation in political and social-economic scene of the society. Therefore, the paper recommends that employment opportunity should be expanded and sex education should be prioritized to discourage the morally bankrupt business.

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Audu, Joel Samson