An Assessment of Newspaper Framing of Anticorruption War of President Muhammadu Buhari
This study investigates newspaper coverage of President’s Buhari’s anticorruption war with specific emphasis on, framing text format, prominence and depth of coverage. Two newspapers-The Punch and Daily Trust - were selected for the study. The study duration was June 1st 2015- January 30th 2016 leading to seven months and 28 weeks. The Holsti’s Inter coder reliability was applied to determine the reliability for the study and this yielded 0.84 which was considered high. Content analysis was adopted for the study while result showed, among others, that most (67%) of the newspaper frames were neutral on Buharis’ anti corruption war. Also, result showed that most (39.3%) of the stories on Buhari’s anti-corruption war within the study duration were straight news. Only 14.4% of the stories were found to be investigative report. Findings further showed that most (33.8%) of the anti- corruption stories occupied quarter pages. Consequent open the result of this study, the researcher recommends, among others, that newspapers should improve in the area of investigative reports so as to expose corrupt dealings in Nigeria

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