© Journal Of The Linguistic Association Of Nigeria (jolan) . 2010. Vol. 13 No. 1
Publisher: Linguistic Association of Nigeria
An Articulatory-Perceptual Approach To The Teaching of Pronunciation To L2 Learners
C. U. C. Ugorji
KEYWORDS: Articulatory-Perceptual Approach, Pronunciation, Standard Language Conditions, L2 Pronunciation Teaching Principles, Expository Teaching, Self-Support, Second Language (L2) Learning, Learner autonomy, action research
In this paper, we propose a logical priority of specific instructions on phonological elements in L2 pedagogy over and above prevalent methods, and define it in terms of an Articulatory-Perceptual (A-P) approach to the teaching of pronunciation. It emphasises that instruction in a second language should address the micro-components of pronunciation elements, specifying the path and procedure which may readily be recalled or reproduced in learner self-practice, contrary to the prevalent emphasis on imitation. It demonstrates the essential dimensions for the teaching of English pronunciation to speakers of other languages. The findings support clearly the research assumptions, concluding that promoting a primacy of description or specific Explanatory instruction over Exercise and Exposure procedures as A-P does has to its advantage the combining of essential perspectives in the pursuit of the teaching and learning of pronuncation elements, as well as learner-centred pedagogy. The main impetus for this study is reflective teaching and action research. An ESL classroom experience drawn from observation notes and an event reported in Dalton and Seidlhoffer (1994) constitute the main data for illustrations.
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Social and Behavioral Sciences
Linguistic Association of Nigeria
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C. U. C. Ugorji