Publisher: University of Port Harcourt

Animation: A Practical Method of Enhancing Child Mental Development

Emily Oghale God’spresence
KEYWORDS: Animation: A Practical Method of Enhancing Child Mental Development


In order for a child to be referred to as mentally developed, such a child must have at least average intelligence. Acquiring average intelligence is largely dependent upon what is taught and learned. However, traits of psychological problems like retardation in understanding, in thinking and imaginative process, memory loss, poor learning ability, poor concentration, and other forms of child developmental disorders could be traceable to poor mental development. Animation, otherwise referred to as cartoon films, an aspect of the play-way method, is hereby proposed as an effective method of enhancing child mental development, since it has the tendency for arresting children’s attention as well as involving them in participation and interactive activities. The playway method is a practice-oriented method of child learning through play (informalmethod).Thus, this study proposes that animated cartoons be used to instruct and teach children who will, in turn, learn practically through the processes of memorization/memory recall, repetition, imagination/creativity in form of drawing, writing, and painting, and imitation in form of acting, singing, dancing/movement, etc. The major highlights of this study include: the factors that can impede child mental development, means of enhancing child’s mental development, the roles of parents and teachers, as well as the importance of animation to child mental development. Included are also some recommendations on practical steps to take, so as to enhance child mental development.

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