© Review Of Communications And Media Studies . 2014. Vol. 1 No. 1
Publisher: Rivers State University of Science and Technology
Influence of Quality of Work Life On The Job Performance of Journalists In Port Harcourt, Nigeria
John G. Ngochindo
KEYWORDS: Motivation, Performance, Job Satisfaction, Rewards, Work Life, Productivity
This study focused on quality of work life and its influence on the job performance of journalists in Port Harcourt,Nigeria. Being a survey research, however, the primary data were sourced from responses obtained through thequestionnaire from a cross-section of journalists within the coverage area. It was found out that journalists were poorlymotivated at the work place and that their remunerations were too low to enable them cope with the high cost of living inthat coastal city. It was also found that almost all the media firms in Port Harcourt suffered adversely from inadequatefunding. The study enjoins all stakeholders of the media to collaborate and work out strategics and modalities that wouldreposition the media financially, so as to make them cope with the onerous tasks and challenges of investigativejournalism and effective reporting. To bring succour to all media workers in Port Harcourt, the study recommends thaturgent measures should be put in place to properly fund the media and enhance the salaries of their workforce. This, itbelieves,will bring about improved quality of work life for all employed journalists in Port Harcourt,as well as usher inincreased job performance and productivity.
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Film and Media Studies
Arts and Humanities
Rivers State University of Science and Technology
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John G. Ngochindo