Publisher: Rivers State University of Science and Technology

Folk Media In The Sensitization of Nigeria'S Rural Population: A Noa'S Feedback Perspective

Barigbon G. Nsereka', Sarah M. Anele
KEYWORDS: Folk media, Sensitization, Rural population, NOA, Feedback perspective Introduction


 This survey research was carried out to investigate the potency of the feedback loop between government and the rural population of South-east Nigeria in the sensitization of the people by National Orientation Agency (NOA), using the folk media. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to draw a sample of 915 subjects from the rural population of the South-east Geo-political Zone of Nigeria, to participate in the study. The data gathered with a questionnaire were analyzed with percentages, frequency distribution tables, weighted mean scores (WMS) and the Chi-Square. The findings showed that the feedback mechanism between government and the people was not potent; government does not factor in the views of the people in its plans, meaning that no effective feedback framework is in place; and that underlying factors such as government's lack of commitment to rural development, among other things, undermine a potent feedback mechanism. Based on these findings, it was recommended, among other things, that government should effectively monitor its feedback machinery and factor in the people's views in its policies.

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