© Global Journal Of Geological Sciences . 2015. Vol. 13 No. 1
Publisher: Bachudo Science Co. Ltd
The Chemical Composition and Industrial Quality of Barite Mineralization In Calabar Flank, Oban Massif, Mamfe Embayment and Obudu Plateau, Southeastern Nigeria
Barth N. Ekwueme, Gabriel B. Akpeke, Bassey E. Ephraim
KEYWORDS: Barite, mineralization, quality, chemical composition, southeastern Nigeria.
Barite occurrences in the Calabar Flank, Oban massif, Mamfe Embayment and Obudu Plateau of Southeastern Nigeria have been sampled and analyzed for the purpose of assessing their chemical composition and industrial quality. Barite occurrences were observed mostly along faults and unconformities marking the boundaries between the Precambrian basement rocks of Oban and Obudu massifs and the Cretaceous sediments of the Calabar Flank and Mamfe embayment. Occurrences were also observed within the sediments. The chemical data show that BaSO 4, SiO 2 and TiO 2 are the major chemical species of the barite. The Ba and SO 4 content vary between 53.62 – 56.10 wt% and 27.57 – 39.35 wt% respectively across the sampled areas. The specific gravity is 4.45 and this combined with high BaSO 4 (approximately 94 wt%) shows that the mineralization is of high industrial quality and compares favourably with the Azara barite deposits of the Benue Trough. The quality of the barite meets American Petroleum institute (API) requirements for use as drilling mud.
Geophysical And Hydro-chemical Investigation Of The Area Around A Waste Dump Site In Ile-ife, Southwest NigeriaRock Physics Investigation Of Seismic Wave Absorption In Reservoir RocksInvestigation Of Seasonal Variation Of Groundwater Quality In Jimeta-yola Area Northeastern NigeriaOccurrence And Distribution Of Barite Mineralization In Cross River State, South-eastern NigeriaTrace Metals In Dust Particulates From Calabar. Municipality, Nigeria

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Earth Sciences
Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Bachudo Science Co. Ltd
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Barth N. Ekwueme
Gabriel B. Akpeke
Bassey E. Ephraim
Gabriel B. Akpeke
Bassey E. Ephraim