© African Journal Of International Affairs And Development . 2014. Vol. 17 No. 2
Publisher: Lead City University
The Role of Transparency and Accountability In The Quest For Development In Nigeria
Ismaila A. Danjuma
KEYWORDS: The Role of Transparency and Accountability in the Guest for Development in Nigeria
The need for transparency and accountability in the running of public institutions has gained worldwide attention in recent years. This is because the ratings of the performance of governments are based on the manner in which programmes and policies are executed. Of particular interests are the governments in some developing countries who have recently established democratic form of government. Public office holders in these countries are expected to expend public resources in an open and transparent ways. Central to the achievement of an atmosphere of transparency ingovernance processes the need for constant interactions between the rulers and the ruled. Therefore, the argument is, transparency and accountability in governance enhances public confidence in the policies of government. In addition, transparency helps to eliminate corruption and mismanagement of public funds meant for development by officials. The recourse to transparency in governance process would result to development both in the short and long terms. It is for this reason that this paper seeks to analyse the role of transparency in promoting development in Nigeria.
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Political Science
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Lead City University
Publication Year
Place Of Publication
Ismaila A. Danjuma