© African Journal Of Reproductive Health . 2013. Vol. 17 No. 3
Publisher: Womens Health and Action Research Centre (wharc)
Knowledge and Perceptions of Date Rape Among Female Undergraduates of A Nigerian University
Frederick O. Oshiname, Akintayo O. Ogunwale, Ademola J. Ajuwon
KEYWORDS: Female undergraduate students, Date rape perception, Date rape-related knowledge.
This paper focuses on knowledge and perceptions of Date Rape (DR) among female undergraduates of the University of Ibadan. The cross-sectional survey was conducted among 651 female undergraduates selected using a four-stage random sampling technique. A semi-structured questionnaire which included a 6-point knowledge scale and a 21-points perceptions scale was used to collect data. Knowledge scores of 0- 2, 3- 4 and 5- 6 were rated as poor, fair and good respectively. Perception scores of 0-10 and 11-21 were categorized as supportive and non-supportive perception of DR respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-square at p < 0.05. Mean knowledge score was 2.3 ± 2.1 and 50.0% participants had poor knowledge of DR. Knowledge of DR increased significantly by level of study. Participants’ had a mean perception score of 9.1 ± 2.8 and 66.9% had perceptions supportive of DR. Campus-based educational programme have potentials for addressing the phenomenon. (Afr J Reprod Health 2013; 17[3]: 137-148).
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Social and Behavioral Sciences
Womens Health and Action Research Centre (wharc)
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Place Of Publication
Frederick O. Oshiname
Akintayo O. Ogunwale
Ademola J. Ajuwon
Akintayo O. Ogunwale
Ademola J. Ajuwon