© Global Journal Of Pure And Applied Sciences . 2010. Vol. 16 No. 1
Publisher: Bachudo Science Co. Ltd
Influence of Vitamin B-12 Complex Injection (ELDERVIT-12) On Gentamicin Nephrotoxicity In Rats: A Preliminary Study
Shaibu O. Bello, A. Chika
KEYWORDS: Gentamicin, toxicity, B-complex, ascorbic acid, rats
Objectives: To assess the effect of vitamin B-12 complex injection on the nephrotoxicity of gentamicin. Design: Experimental study using a pre-validated model. Subject: Adult Swiss albino rats weighing 140-214g, Generic gentamicin sulphate injection and Vitamin B-12complex injection containing 2500mcg Cyanocobalamin, 12mg Niacinamide, 0.7 mg Folic acid and 150 mg Ascorbic acid in twin ampoules to be combined fresh before administration. Setting: A pharmacological research laboratory in a tertiary instituteResults: In Swiss albino rats, both 0.5mls/kg/day and 1mls/kg/day of B-12 complex injection for 5 days significantly and dose dependently exacerbated the increase in serum urea and creatinine caused by 80mg/k/day of gentamicin while both doses of B-12 complex injection given for 10 days significantly and dose dependently ameliorated the increase in serum urea and creatinine caused by 80mg/k/day of gentamicin (reversal of effect). Conclusion: 0.5mls/kg/day of B-12 complex injection for 5 days exacerbated gentamicin nephrotoxicity while the same dose for longer duration or 1ml/kg/day of B-12 complex ameliorated the toxicity. The exacerbation is probably due to the ascorbic acid component while the reversal is probably due to the other components acting directly or through a time dependent pharmacological advantage.
Modulatory Effect Of Vitamin C And E On Dihydroartemisinin (cotecxin) Induced Hepatotoxicity In Wistar Albino RatsEffect Of Amodiaquine On The Cytoachitecture Of The Cerebellum Of Wistar RatsEffect Of Aqueous Extract Of Rothmannitl Hispida On Gastric Acid Secretion And Gastric Mucosa Protection (cytoprotection)Effect Of Chloroquine Treatments On Sperm Count And Weight Of Testes In Male RatsHistological Studies Of The Pancreas Of Wistar Rats Following Administration Of Nicotiana Tabacum (snuff)

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Translational Medical Research
Medicine and Health Sciences
Bachudo Science Co. Ltd
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Shaibu O. Bello
A. Chika
A. Chika