Hydrogeophysical Investigation of The Area Around Angware In Jos East Plateau State, North Central Nigeria
Hydrogeophysical investigation of the area around Angware and its environs was carried out. It is about 25km2and lies between latitudes 10000’N and 9058’N and longitudes 9005’E and 9008’E. Schlumberger resistivity configuration method was used and interpreted with IP2Win 2.1 program. Geologically is underlain by Precambrian Basement complex(600±150Ma) and Mesozoic Younger Granites(130-150Ma).Computer aided results showed that the area is characterized by seven curve-types (A,H,Q,HA,QH,KA and QK) and 3,4 and 5 geo-electric layers with resistivity range and thickness of 100-692Ωm,1.4-51m; 15.7-1300Ωm,0.9-84m; and 72-504Ωm,0.9-36m respectively. The aquiferous zone revealed by the results is weathered/fractured Basement at a depth between 10-35m and
resistivity range from 18-107Ωm, drilling depth of 20-45m is recommended for maximum yields

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A. Olasehinde
I. S. Bute