- Language: English
- Established Year: 1981
- Published Articles: 14

Executive Editor | : | Dr Ibrahim Oreagba |
Publication Frequency | : | Quarterly |
Publisher | : | West African Postgraduate College |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-24 No-2 (2013)
- - A Survey of Antibiotic Use In Respiratory Tract Infections In A Community In Zaria, Kaduna State
- - Medication Use Evaluation In Diabetes Mellitus In A Secondary Health Care Facility
- - Attitudes of Physicians Toward Collaboration With Pharmacists On Improved Medical Care Services Provision
- - Medication Prescribing Errors In A Tertiary Hospital In Nigeria: Types, Prevalence and Clinical Significance
- Vol-24 No-1 (2013)
- - Cost Minimization Analysis of Antibacterial Therapy In A Developing Country
- - Plasma Drug Levels and Pharmacokinetics of Artesunate After A Single Dose Administration of Various...
- - Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions In Patients On Antiretroviral Therapy: A Study of Pharmaceutical Care In...
- - Evaluation of Anticonvulsant Activity of Aqueous Extract and Partitioned Chloroform Fraction of Piper...
- - The Pattern of Antibiotic Use In An Urban Slum In Lagos State, Nigeria
- - Immediate Impact of A Diabetes Mellitus Education Programme On The Knowledge of Pharmacists
- - Evaluation of Disintegrating Property of Native and Microcrystalline Starches Derived From Digitaria Iburua.
- - Outcomes and Rates of Cd4 Cells Decline Among HIV-Positive Patients In Pre-Antiretroviral Therapy Care
- - Assessment of Community Pharmacists' Willingness To Become Tuberculosis Dots Services Providers In Lagos...
- - Drug Use Pattern With Standard Indicators In Jos University Teaching Hospital Nigeria
All manuscripts submitted to the West African Journal of Pharmacy will be subjected to peer-review at the descretion of the editorial Office. Decisions regarding accetability will be made on the basis of the quality of science, the contribution of the work to the field, the suitability of the work for the journal and the quality of presentation of the manuscript.
Submission of Manuscript
All manuscripts (must be in English and in MS Word format) and should be submitted via our online system. The e-mail addresses (or telephone numbers) of all authors must be provided. Illustrations (figures) should be in computer format. Images for any manuscript should not exceed 200 kilobytes unless prior authorization is received from the editor-in-chief. Authors may submit the names, affiliations and addresses (including e-mail) of expert reviewers or those they do not want to review their papers.
This journal does not accept manuscripts that are simultaneously being considered by another or other journals or already published elsewhere. Thus, authors are required to include the following statement in the Comments to the Editor:
"This manuscript submitted has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration"
This journal subscribes to 'Standards for Authors available at http://publicationethics.org/international-standards-editors-and-authors or http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)'
Inquiries may be directed to:
West African Journal of Pharmacy,
Tel: or
Ethical Matters
Authors using experimental animals and human subjects in their investigation must seek approval from the appropriate Ethical Committee in accordance with "Principles of Laboratory Animal Care" (NIH publication no. 85-23, revised 1985) and/or the declaration of Helsinki promulgated in 1964 as amended in 1996. The method section must include a statement to prove that the investigation was approved and that informed consent was obtained.
Manuscript Format
The preferred format of all manuscript is MS Word or RTF. Illustrations (figures) and images must be inserted in the manuscript at the position they should appear when published.
Manuscript Style
The language of the journal is English. Each manuscript should be typed double-spaced on A4 (8.5" x 11") paper size with 1 inch margins. It should be arranged in the following order: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Experimental, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References.
First page of manuscript: This should include the title of the article, authors' names (with full first name, initial and then the last name of each author) and their affiliations. The corresponding author must provide the full corresponding address (including telephone and e-mail address) at the bottom of the page.
Second page of manuscript: The ABSTRACT (no more than 250 words) should be presented in the second page along with title of the article and keywords. The abstract should be structured into: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
Introduction: This should provide a background to the study (appropriate for an international audience). Related literature based on the objectives of the study should be indicated, and clearly state the specific objectives of the study at the end of this section. Please, ensure that any abbreviations and all symbols used in equations are fully defined. Approximate length: 500-100 words.
Methods: This section should describe the materaisl and methods used in sufficient details to allow the study to be replicated. Please include details of ethical approval in this section. Methods of data analysis including the appropriate statistical analysis performed should be provided. Approximate length: 500-1000 words.
Results: This section should first summarise all the results in text befoe refering to the Tables and figures for details. Please limit the number of Tables and Figures to no more than 9 each. It is essential. Illustrations labeled as Scheme sor Illustrations rather than Figures may not be displayed in html format. It is essentail to include statistical analyses or other indicators to enable assessment of the variance of replicates of the experiments. Data should not be replicated in figures and tables. Approximate length:1000-1500 words.
Discussion: The discussionn should summarise the main findings, intepret the findings and compare with previous studies, as well as the contribution made to the field. Indicate unanswered questions, provide direction for future research. This should be followed by a crtitique of the strengths and limitations of the research including any policy limitations. Approximate length:1000 words.
Conclusion: A brief conclusionn section should summarise the salient findings of the study based on the study objectives. Authors are strongly advised to emphasise the contribution made to the field by their study in this section.Approximate length:200 words.
References: References should be typed single-spaced and numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text. Arabic numerals (ENCLOSED IN SQUARED BRACKETS, eg., [1], [1,3,5] or [1-4]) should be used in citing references in the text. The squared brackets MUST NOT be used anywhere else in the text to allow easy xml file coding. Index Medicus Style of abbreviations should be used for journals cited. For correct abbreviations visit http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/PubMed/jbrowser.html.
Unpublished work should not be included in the list of references. References should be listed using the following order:
Journal Article: If there are more than 10 authors, only the first 10 should be listed and the others should be represented with "et al."
Volume without Issue: Murri R, Fantoni M, Borgo CD, Visona R, Barracco A, Zambelli A, Testa L, Orchi N, Tozzi V, Bosco O, Wu AW. Determinants of health-related quality of life in HIV-infected patients. AIDS Care 2003;15:581-590.
Volume with parts: Hanley C. Metaphysics and innateness: a psychoanalytic perspective. Int J Psychoanal 1988;69(Pt 3):89-99.
No Issue or Volume: Danoek K. Skiing in and through the history of medicine. Nord Medicinhist Arsb 1982:86-100
Issue but No Volume: Baumeister AA. Origins and control of stereotyped movements. Monogr Am Assoc Ment Defic 1978;(3):353-384.
Issue with parts: Edwards L, Meyskens F, Levine N. Effect of oral isotretinoin on dysplastic nevi. J Am Acad Dermatol 1989 Feb;20(2 Pt 1):257-260.
Monograph: Matthews DE, Farewell VT. Using and Understanding Medical Statistics, ed 3, revised. Basel, Karger, 1996
Entire book: Ohlsen, Merle M.; Horne, Arthur M.; Lowe, Charles F. Group counseling. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston; 1988. 416 p.
Editors: Diener, Hans-Christoph; Wilkinson, Marcia, editors. Drug-induced headache. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1988. 173 p
Contribution to book: Anderson, Robert J.; Schrier, Robert W. Acute renal failure. In: Braunswald, Eugene; Isselbacher, Kurt J.; Petersdorf, Robert G., et al., editors. Harrison's principles of internal medicine. 11th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1987. p. 1149-1155.
Web pages:
Hypertension, Dialysis & Clinical Nephrology [homepage on the Internet]. Hinsdale (IL): Medtext, Inc.; c1995-2001 [cited 2001 Mar 8]. Available from: http://www.medtext. com/hdcn.htm
Pennington J. HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, 2007 [cited 2008 Mar 8]. Available from: http://www.avert.org/aids-nigeria.htm.
Medlineplus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2000 Apr 7; cited 2000 Apr 18]. Available from: http://medlineplus.gov
Dissertation: Bertram, Kenneth. The role of natural killer activity in resistance to herpesvirus-induced disease [dissertation]. [Rochester]: University of Minnesota; 1981 Dec. 138 p.
Tables: These should be numbered with arabic numerals using single space to separate the Table and the number (eg, Table 1, Table 2, etc) and refered to independently (do not refer to more than one Table) in text. The maximum number of Tables allowed in a paper is nine (9). Each table should be typed using a table format (ie, each variable must be typed into a separate cell in the table) with only horizontal lines above and below the table column headers and at the bottom of the table (using 1 pt for the top and bottom lines and 0.5 point for any middle line). No vertical lines should be included in any table. Each table MUST not exceed 6.5 x 7 inches (16.5 x 17.8 cm, width x height) and MUST be inserted at the appropriate position in the text just below where it was referred to the first time. The title should be typed at the top of the table in the sentence case format, i.e., only the first name should be in capital letters; names should also be in capital letters, as appropriate. Any footnote should be typed at the top and bottom of the table in italic.
Illustrations: These should be numbered with arabic numerals using single space to separate the Figure and the number (eg, Figure 1, Figure 2, etc) and refered to independently (do not refer to more than one figure) in text. The maximum number of Figures allowed in a paper is nine (9). Each Figure should be professionally drawn electronically and inserted in the appropriate position where it was first cited within the text. Symbols, lettering, and numbering MUST NOT be in bold print and should be clear and large enough to remain legible (be at least 9 points in size) after the figure has been reduced to 1/2 of the original size. While photographs may be produced in any color, graphs MUST be drawn only in black color unless the author is prepared to pay US$100.00 for each image in any color other than black. The legend and any footnote for each figure should be typed below the figure. If photographs of patients are used, either the subjects are not identifiable or their pictures must be accompanied by a written permission to use the images. Photographs must be clear and sharp. Labels of Tables MUST be in text form and MUST not form part of the image.
Acknowledgements: Authors should acknowledge all those who made contribution to the work who cannot necessarily be included in the list of authors. In this section, the funding body should also be acknowledged as appropriate.
Conflict of Interest: Authors must declare any conflict of interest. If there are none, the authors should indicate “No conflict of interest associated with this work”.
Contribution of Authors: The authors must declare that they did the work by beginning this section with the following statement, “I(We) declare that this work was done by the author(s) named in this article and all liabilities pertaining to claims relating to the content of this article will be borne by the authors”. In addition, a declaration of the role of each author mentioned in the manuscript should be provided. The author who conceived and designed the study, the person(s) who collected and analysed the data, and the person who wrote the manuscript as well as an indication that all authors read and approved the manuscript for publication must be specified. Note: It is assumed by the Publishers of this journal that authors submitted the manuscript on the ground that he/she/they did the work and did not fraudulently obtain the data being presented.
Manuscript charges
Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) will be required to pay a publication charge of US$200.00 before the accepted paper is published.
Submission of a manuscript to this journal is a representation that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
All authors named in each manuscript would be required to sign a form (to be supplied by the Editor) so that they may retain their copyright in the article but to assign to us (the Publishers) and its licensees in perpetuity, in all forms, formats and media (whether known or created in the future) to (i) publish, reproduce, distribute, display and store the contribution, (ii) translate the contribution into other languages, create adaptations, reprints, include within collections and create summaries, extracts and/or abstracts of the contribution, (iii) create any other derivative works(s) based on the contribution, (iv) to exploit all subsidiary rights in the contribution, (v) the inclusion of electronic links from the contribution to third party material where-ever it may be located, and (vi) license any thrid party to do any or all of the above.
Ethical Matters
Authors using experimental animals and human subjects in their investigation must seek approval from the appropriate Ethical Committee in accordance with "Principles of Laboratory Animal Care" (NIH publication no. 85-23, revised 1985) and/or the declaration of Helsinki promulgated in 1964 as amended in 1996. The method section must include a statement to prove that the investigation was approved and that informed consent was obtained.
Galley Proofs
Unless indicated otherwise, galley proofs are sent to the address given for correspondence. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that the galley proofs are returned without delay.
Please carefully go through the following check list. Non-compliance with TJPR manuscript formatting requirements will result in the manuscript being returned to the corresponding author for reformatting or rejection.
[ ]Are the Title and Abstract each on separate pages?
[ ] Is the Abstract (except for review manuscripts) subdivided into the prescribed subsections of Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusion, and also within the 250-word limit?
[ ] Is my manuscript within the limit of 4,000 words (approximately 18 pages typed double-spaced on A4) for research papers or 6,000 words (approximately 24 pages typed double-spaced on A4) for review papers?
[ ] Are Results and Discussion separated into two sections of Results and Discussion?
[ ] Is there a Conclusion section?
[ ] Have you provided the Declarations including (1) Acknowledgement, (2) Conflict of Interest and (3) Contribution of Authors as provided in the guidelines for contributors?
[ ] Is the reference numbering style within text co-script with square parenthesis (squared brackets) with the numbers inserted before and not after punctuations?
[ ] Did the References list adhere strictly to TJPR format, including the correct punctuations and with space after semi-colon, colon and comma?
[ ] Is the total number of Figures and Tables within the limit of 5 allowed?
[ ] Has color (other than black) been excluded from the manuscript including graphs (except photomicrographs)?
[ ] Is there a legend/caption at the bottom of each Figure and at the top of each Table?
[ ] Have you ensured that when each figure/image is reduced to occupy no more than three-quarters of half of an A4 column in a page, the font size of labels will not be smaller than 9 points?
[ ] Is the symbol key removed from within the Figure (graphs) and integrated neatly within the legend using the Symbol tool under Insert menu of MS Word ? Do not place horizontal strokes across symbols.
[ ] Are Figures and Tables inserted at appropriate points in the manuscript nearest to where reference was made to them?
- Dr Ibrahim Oreagba
- Editor-in-Chief
- Dr Olufunsho Awodele
- Editor
- Prof Kwame Sarpong
- Advisory
- Prof (mrs) M. N. Femi-oyewo
- Advisory
- Prof J. S. K. Ayim
- Advisory
- Prof U. E. Mendie
- Advisory
- Prof (mrs) C. I. Igwilo
- Advisory
- Prof 'fola Tayo
- Advisory
- Mr Wiltshire Johnson
- Advisory
- Mr Jimmy Olu Coker
- Advisory
- Prof Mahama Duwiejua
- Advisory
- Prof Wilson Erhun
- Advisory
- Prof Amara Chukwu
- Advisory
- Prof N. D. Ifudu
- Advisory
- Prof C. O. Usifoh
- Advisory
- Prof Joshua Enijukan
- Advisory
- Assoc Prof P Tarpowah Kear Jr
- Advisory
- Prof Auzka Oparah
- Advisory
- Dr Suleiman Ismail
- Advisory