- Language: English
- Established Year: 2002
- Published Articles: 153

Executive Editor | : | Prof. Ekom Robert Akpan |
Publication Frequency | : | Bi-annually |
Publisher | : | Ecoserve Publishers |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-11 No-1 (2015)
- - Physio-Chemical Parameters of Fish Pond Used For Dutch Clarias Hybrid Fed Coconut Chaff and Bambara Nuts
- - Impact of Physico-Chemical Parameters On Recreational Water Microbial Parameters of The of Calabar River...
- - Prevalence of Endoparasitic Infection of Clarias Gariepinus Fed Chicken Droppings
- - Density and Diversity of Hydrocarbon Utilizing Bacteria In Calabar River Estuary, Nigeria
- - Water Quality Assessment of Tropical Stream, University of Abuja, Nigeria
- Vol-11 No-1 (0000)
- - Ichthyofauna Stock Assessment and Potential Yield of A Reservoir In Benin City Nigeria
- Vol-11 No-1 (2011)
- - Seasonality of Plankton In The Cross River Estuary, South Eastern Nigeria
- Vol-10 No-1 (2013)
- - Seasonal Dynamics In Physicochemical Regime of Ibesikpo-Asutan Stream, Niger Delta, Nigeria.
- - Monitoring of Surface Water Quality During The Construction of Riverbank Protection At A Section of The Nun...
- - Haematological Profile of Clarias Gariepinus In A Lacustrine Ecosystem In Niger Delta Region, Nigeria
- - Air Quality Studies of Eket Zone of Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
- - Heavy Metal Concentrations In Two Economically Important Fish Species and Water of Ovia River, Southern...
- - Growth and Biodiesel Production From The Blue-Green Alga Microcystis Aeruginosa Kutz.
- - In-Vitro Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Ethanolic and Aqueous Extracts of Ficus Exasperata Vahl...
- - Degradation of Antibiotics By Bacteria and Fungi From The Aquatic Environment
- - Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Rivers In Rural Communities of Edo North, Nigeria
- - Effects of Environmental Factors On The Abundance of Shrimps, Macrobrachium Species In The Lower Taylor Creek,...
- Vol-9 No-2 (2011)
- - Analysis of Municipal Top Soils Polluted With Spent Crude Oil Products By Edxrf Analytical Technique
- - Effect of Feeding Frequency On The Growth, Food Utilization and Survival of African Catfish (CLARIAS...
- - Determination of 210Pb, 226Ra and 137Cs In Beach Sands Along The Coastline of Ghana
- - Diet Composition and Condition Factor of Ilisha Africana In The Cross River Estuary
- - Characterization of Mfamosing Limestone (CALABAR FLANK), South Eastern Nigeria For Aluminium Smelting
- - Source Fingerprinting of Petroleum Residue (TAR BALLS) Using Petroporphyrin Ratios On Ibeno Beach, Southern...
- - Fecundity of Pond-Reared Oreochromis Niloticus (L.) (PISCES: CICHLIDAE) In Southern Nigeria
- - Organochlorine Pesticides In Mangrove Sediments of The Calabar River, Se Niger Delta, Nigeria.
- Vol-9 No-1 (2011)
- - Temporal Variations of Suspended Particulate Matter In Port Harcourt Metropolis
- - Distribution of Heavy Metals In Tissues of Callinectus Latimanus From The New Calabar River Nigeria
- - Trace Metal Distribution In Tropical Wetlands Air Basin
- - Assessment of Subsoil Characteristics In Rumuolumeni Areas of Port Harcourt, Southern Nigeria
- - Seasonal and Spatial Dimensions of Water-Related Diseases In Enugu Urban, Nigeria.
- - Assessment of Water Quality of Rivers In Enugu Urban Area of Nigeria
- - Organochlorine Pesticide Residues and Heavy Metals In Two Common Dolphins From Ghanaian Coastal Waters
- - Causes of Ocular Morbidity Among Police officers In Ndot, Abak Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
- - Policy Instruments and Strategies For Regulation of Urban Air Pollution Caused By Imported Used Cars In...
- Vol-8 No-1 (2010)
- - Assessment of Some Geo-Environmental Problems Associated With Road Construction In The Eastern Niger Delta
- - Effect of Planting Duration On Productivity of Green and Red Strains of Kappaphycus Alvarezii
- - Seawater Intrusion Into Groundwater Formations In Some Coastal Areas of Lagos, Nigeria.
- - Comparative Performance of A Pumice Dual Media Filter and A Conventional Rapid Sand Filter
- - Impact of Crude Oil Pollution On The Morphological Performance of Fluted Pumpkin, (TELFAIRIA OCCIDENTALIS, ...
- - Nutritional Status of Two Periwinkle Species From A Tropical Creek In Nigeria
- - Effect of Moringa Oleifera Seed On The Growth and Gonadal Development of Clarias Gariepinus
- - An Analysis of Some Physico-Chemical and Thermal Properties of Magnesite
- - An Evaluation of Some Mechanisms of Fluoride Removal In Drinking Water Using Magnesite.
- - Environmental, Health and Socio-Economic Implications of Solid Minerals Mining In Nigeria
- - Techniques In The Improvement of Consumer Taste of Heterotis Niloticus
- - The Effects of NPK and Farm Yard Manure On The Growth and Development of The African Yam Bean (SPHENOSTYLIS...
- - Growth and Feed Utilization of Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis Niloticus Exposed To Sub Lethal Concentrations of...
- Vol-7 No-1 (2009)
- - Baseline Studies of Planktonic Copepods of Ojirami Dam, Edo State, Nigeria
- - Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality In Selected Restaurants and Canteens In Port Harcourt Metropolis, Nigeria
- - The Epidemiology and Distribution of Non-Zoonotic Soil-Transmitted-Helminths In The Yenagoa Metropolis, Niger...
- - Effects of Environmental and Socio-Economic Factors On The Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites In School...
- - Detoxification of Soils Contaminated With Crude Oil: Studies On Teak (TECTONA GRANDIS LINN.)
- - Human Behaviour and The Epidemiology of Parasitic Infections
- - Locational Effects On The Performance of Maize (ZEA MAYS L.) In Soils Treated With Crude Oil
- - Evaluation of African Bread Fruit (TRECULIA AFRICANA DECENE) For Bioremediation In Soils Impacted With Crude...
- - The Haematological Parameters of Heterobranchus Longifilis In Little Stream Farm, Ibesikpo Asutan L. G. A.,...
- Vol-6 No-1 (2008)
- - Heavy Metals In Sediments of Some Inland Waters Adjacent To Benue Cement Company Plc, Benue State, Nigeria.
- - The Role of Environmental Education and Public Enlightenment In Urban Waste Management In Calabar, Cross River...
- - Local Fish Species As Biological Control Agents For Mosquito Larva.
- - Effects of Commercial Detergent On The Juveniles of Heterobranchus Longifilis (CURVIER AND VALIENNCES)
- - Evaluation of The Levels of Chloride and Bromide Content In Some Nigerian Foodstuffs
- - Physicochemical Conditions and Metal Levels In Ologe Lagoon, Southwest, Nigeria.
- - Growth Performance of Heterobranchus Longifilis With Tilapia Niloticus Using Extensive and Semi-Intensive...
- - Polychlorinated Biphenyls Contamination of Soils and Rivers In Port-Harcourt
- - A Comparative Study of Community Response To Aircraft Noise At Port Harcourt and Murtala Muhammed International...
- - The Influence of Environmental Factors On Trees Species Composition, Distribution and Stocking Density In The...
- - Determination of Proximate Composition, Ascorbic Acid and Heavy Metal Content of African Walnut (TETRACARPIDIUM...
- - Afr. J. Environ. Pollut. Health 6 (1):61-64, 2008 A Comparative Assessment of Heavy Metals and Total...
- - Flood Risk Assessment Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) In Uyo, Nigeria
- Vol-5 No-2 (2006)
- - Effects of Size and Salinity On The Accumulation of Heavy Metals In The Intertidal Gastropod Tymanotonus...
- - Breeding Season and Population Dynamics of Bonga-Ethmalosa Fimbriata (BOWDICH 1825) (CLUPEIDAE) In The Qua Iboe...
- - Pigmented Macrophage Aggregations and Ovarian Haemosiderosis In Silver Catfish Chrysichthys Nigrodigitatus From...
- - Combustion Efficiency Determined For Selected Flare Points In The Niger Delta Area
- - An Evaluation of The Antimicrobial Effect of Garlic (ALLIUM SATIVUM) On Diarrhoeagenic and Post-Surgical Wound...
- - Total Hydrocarbons, Trace Metals and Macro-Elements In Tilapia Species From South Eastern Nigeria.
- - Levels of Total Hydrocarbons, Trace Metals and Macro-Elements In Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium Vollenhovenii ...
- - The Quality of Agricultural Soils In Onna Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, South Eastern Nigeria
- - Effect of Soil Contaminated With Crude Oil On The Maturity of Maize (ZEA MAYS L.)
- - Decomposition of Mangrove Litters and The Effect On The Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio In A Tropical Mangrove Ecosystem
- Vol-5 No-1 (2006)
- - Trace Metal Status of Streams Receiving Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) From ishiagu Lead/Zinc Mine, Ebonyi, South-...
- - Bacteria Population Changes In Streams Receiving Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) From ishiagu Lead/Zinc Mine, Ebonyi,...
- - A Survey of Bore Hole Water Quality For Possible Water-Borne Parasites In Diobu Community In Southern Nigeria.
- - Groundwater Contamination Pathways In Unengineered Waste Dumps.
- - High Bi-Valent Iron Contaminants In Growndwaters of The Niger Delta: Their Genesis and Distribution
- - Phytoplankton Survey In The Western Niger Delta, Nigeria
- - The Effect of Organic Matter Substrate On Toxicity of Cu To Earthworms (APORRECTODEA LONGA)
- - A Survey of Tsetse Flies (GLOSSINA SPP) In The Niger Delta Area, Southern Nigeria.
- - Salinity Variations and Distributions of Cladocera (CRUSTACEA) In The Lagos Harbour System.
- - Concentrations of Lead In Vegetation Along Roadsides In Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
- Vol-4 No-2 (2005)
- - Principal Components Intercorrelation Model For Establishing Environmental Health Linkages In Some Niger Delta...
- - Levels of Atmospheric Contaminants In Some Niger Delta Communities of Nigeria
- - Influence of Depositional Depth On The Quality of Mfamosin Limestone, South Eastern Nigeria
- - Household Contamination of Drinking Water In A Rural Community In Cross River State, South Eastern Nigeria.
- - Studies On The Prevalence of Enteropathogens Associated With Diarrhoeal Cases In Adim Community, Southeastern...
- - The Influence of Human Activities On The Zooplankton of Elechi Creek Complex In The Niger Delta
- - Heavy Metal Levels In The Fruit Anacardium Occidentale and Magnifera Indica Along A Major Highway In Edo State,...
- - Flood Prediction and Management In The Niger Delta, Nigeria
- - The Changing Annual Rainfall and Temperature Averages In The Humid Tropical City of Uyo, Southern Nigeria.
- - The Impact of Fertilizer Plant Effluents On The Littoral Benthos of An Estuarine Creek In The Niger Delta,...
- - Urban Flood Hazards: issues, Monitoring, Process and Guidelines
- - Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation of A Crude Oil Polluted Site In The Niger Delta.
- Vol-4 No-1 (2005)
- - Effect of Sample Treatment On Trace Metal Determination of Nigerian Crude Oils By Atomic Absorption...
- - Control of Gas Flaring In The Niger Delta Area of Nigeria: Current Concerns and Measures
- - Acute Toxicity of Cadmium To Tadpoles of Bufo Maculatus and Ptychadena Bibroni
- - Age Structure and Diurnal Activity of Musca Domestica L. (DIPTERA; MUSCIDAE)
- - Assessing The Environmental Impacts of Oil Exploration and Production On The Osse River, Southern Nigeria: 1....
- - Adsorption Efficiency of Animal Shells For Heavy Metals
- - Heavy Metals Concentration In Upper Calabar River Sediments, South Eastern Nigeria
- - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Flux In The Qua Iboe River System, South Eastern Nigeria
- - Environmental Impacts of Gas Flaring In The Niger Delta Area of Nigeria
- - Toxicity of Refined Petroleum Products Against Culex Pipiens (MOSQUITO LARVAE) In Static and Semi-Static...
- - Resting Site Preferences of Mosquitoes In Human Dwellings In Benin City, Nigeria.
- - Environmental Impacts of Oil Exploration and Production On The Rotifers of Osse River, Southern Nigeria
- Vol-3 No-2 (2004)
- - Application of Pollution Index (PI) To Determine Water Quality of The New Calabar River In Rivers State
- - Health Aspects of Domestic Solid Waste Management and Disposal Operations In Nigeria
- - Potentials of Refuse Recycling/Reuse In Port Harcourt, Nigeria
- - Possible Environmental Impacts of Canalization Project At The Nigerian Coastline
- - A Self-Indicating Method For The Determination of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
- - Effect of Used Engine Oil On Growth and Mineral Composition of Beans (VIGNA UNGULATA L) and Maize (ZEA MAYS)
- - Large Scale Timely Harvesting of Zooplankton Using Two Culture Systems.
- - Distribution of Meso-Zooplankton Along The Salinity Gradients of Calabar and Cross Rivers, Nigeria.
- - Adsorption Efficiency of Activated Carbon From Palm Kernel Shells For Zinc and Nickel Ions
- - Influence of Tide and Season On The Physicochemical Parameters of Calabar River Estuary, Nigeria.
- Vol-3 No-1 (2004)
- - Comparative Study of Rainwater Quality At Iko, Etche and Calabar S.E. Nigeria
- - Heavy Metals In The Sediment of The Cross River Estuary At Oron, South Eastern Nigeria
- - The Earthworm - Aporrectodea Longa As Indicator of Heavy Metal Pollution In Soil.
- - Effect of Tide On The Concentration of Phytoplankton Chlorophyll–A In The Cross-River Estuary: South Eastern...
- - Levels and Spectra of Industrial Noise In South Eastern Nigeria.
- - Performance Enhancement In The Slow Sand Filter (SSF) Through Optimization of Flow Rates and Thickness of...
- - Occurrence and Intensity of Acid Rain In The Niger Delta Area of Nigeria.
- - Haematological Response of Chrysichthys Nigrodigitatus (LACEPEDE) (BAGRIDAE) To Starvation
- Vol-1 No-2 (2002)
- - Effects of Water Soluble Fractions of Crude Oil On Growth of The Catfish, Clarias Gariepinus, (BURCHELL, 1822)
- - Effect of Kerosene On Tailing Flotation In The Separation Process of Quartz From Osu Gold Waste
- - A Preliminary Checklist of The Macrobenthic Fauna offshore, Niger Delta, Nigeria.
- - Long-Term Effects of Mineral Oil-Based Muds On The Macrobenthic Invertebrates In The Gulf of Guinea
- - Effects of Qua Iboe (NIGERIAN) Crude Oil On The Germination and Growth of Okra (ABELMOSCHUS ESCULENTUS, L) and...
- - Marine Garbage Composition and Dynamics : A Case Study of Ibeno Beach, Nigeria.
- - Distribution and Characteristics of Solid Wastes and Waste Disposal Sites In Port Harcourt Municipality Rivers...
- - Performance Evaluation of Some Natural Fibres For Slow Sand Filter Protection
- - Mangrove Mapping In The Cross River Estuary, Nigeria
- - Preliminary Investigations of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Problems In The ishiagu Lead/Zinc Open Pit Mines, Ebonyi...
- - Environmental Fate and Effects of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluents: A Case Study of Jebba Paper Mill In Kwara...
- Vol-1 No-1 (2002)
- - Effects of Brewery Effluent On The Water Quality and Rotifers of The Ikpoba River, Southern Nigeria
- - Recovering Converter Waste Gas For Sustainable Economy and Environmental Control.
- - A Pre-Pollution Study of The Phytoplankton of An Oligotrophic River In Southern Nigeria
- - Haematological Assessment of The Effects of Lubricating Oil In The Cichlid, Tilapia Zilli (L.) Under Laboratory...
- - Impacts of Dredging On Zooplankton Communities of Warri River, Niger Delta, Nigeria
- - Sampling and Analytical Techniques For Indoor-Air Pollution Studies of Local Kitchen.
- - Atmospheric Pollution: Concentration of Indoor-Air Pollutants (SO2 AND CO2 ) From Fuelwood Combustion.
- - Analyses of Some Meteorological Parameters Pertinent To Air Pollution In The Okrika-Onne Axis of Rivers State,...
- - A Study of Trace Heavy Metal Levels In Warri Soils and Vegetables, Southern Nigeria.
- - Baseline Ecological Studies of The Great Kwa River, Nigeria I: Physico-Chemical Studies
- - African Traditional Democracy
African Journal of Environmental Pollution and Health publishes original research and review papers on all aspects of environmental pollution and health relevant to the African continent including environmental baseline studies.
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References: References cited in text should follow the format(s) as the case may be: - Jones (1988); (James et al. 1977, 1988, 1989); (Peters & Sand 1990); (TT Akpan, unpub. Data). All references in text should be on the reference list also. Unpublished data should not be included in the reference list.
Books: Etim O (1970) Indicators of marine pollution. Century Publishers, Calabar, 210 pp
Journals: Akpan ER (1993) Seasonal cycles of phytoplankton and grazing activity in the Cross River System of South Eastern Nigeria. Trop. Ecol. 32(4): 143-149.
Proceedings: Williams JR, Piper LJ, Foyer LL & Brown WL (1988) The hydrogeology of dolomitic formations in the southern and western Transvaal. In: Back W, Herman JS, Paloc H (eds) Hydrogeology of selected karst regions, International Contributions to Hydrogeology, Heinz Heise, Hannover, Vol. 13, pp 355-376
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The Editor-in-Chief
African Journal of Environmental Pollution and Health
Attn.: Prof. E. R. Akpan
Institute of Oceanography, University of Calabar
P. M. B. 1115 Calabar
540004 Cross River State, Nigeria
Note: Manuscripts can also be sent by e-maiil directly to the Editor-in-Chief. (E-mail: )
Minimum charge for publication of accepted manuscript is N10,000.00. Manuscripts above 8 printed pages attract page charge of N500.00 per extra page
- Prof. Ekom Robert
- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. A. I. Obiekezie
- Member
- Prof. S. Holzlohner
- Member
- Prof. S. J. Ekwere
- Member
- Prof. J. O. Offem
- Member
- Prof. U. J. Ibok
- Member
- Prof. F. E. Asuquo
- Member
- Prof. L. E. Etim
- Member
- Dr. N. S. Olaniran
- Member
- Dr. I. U. Ubong
- Member