• Language: English
  • Established Year: 2014
  • Published Articles: 10
Lead City Journal of The Social Sciences (LCJSS)

Executive Editor : Dr. Tunde Oseni
Publication Frequency : Bi-annually
Publisher : Lead City University
Paper Submission E-mail :

LCJSS is intended for scholars who wish to report results of completed or on-ongoing research, reviews of the literature, and discussions of theoretical issues or policy. Its primary objective is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas across disciplines and academic orientations in the social sciences.

Articles may be submitted by email attachment (see address below) preferably in MS Word for Windows. The title page and biographical statement (s) should be in separate files, but the other text elements can be combined. Submissions by electronic means are preferred and highly recommended.

Submitted Manuscripts Should Contain:

  1. A short, informative title
  2. Author (s) name (s) and affiliations
  3. An abstract of about 100 words
  4. The main text: 5000 to 10,000 words including all elements, abstracts, references
  5. Charts and figures should be created electronically, if not each chart or figure should be submitted on clean sheets, data used to create the figure should be submitted with each figure; tables should be typed and placed at the end of the paper
  6. A list of references in alphabetical order
  7. Short biographical sketch about each author.

LCJSS Reference Style
References are listed in the text (author, date: page); the list of references is alphabetized

For a Book
Adekanye, J. Bayo (1999) The Retired Military as Emergent Power Factor in Nigeria Ibadan: Heinemann Educational Books, 210p

For a Journal Article
Adelegan, O. J. (2007) ‘Political Succession, Capital Market Performance and Firm Valuations in Nigeria’ Ibadan Journal of the Social Sciences 5 (1): 17-27

For a Chapter in an Edited Volume
Oyejide, T. Ademola (2004) Development dimensions in multilateral trade negotiations. In: Mike More, ed.,Doha and Beyond: The Future of the Multilateral Trading System Cambridge: Cambridge University Press for the World Trade Organization, pp. 68-93

Contributors are encouraged to use gender-neutral international language wherever possible. All abbreviations and acronyms should be spelt out in full the first time they are used in article.

The author or lead author of an article is entitled to one copy of the LCJSS in which the article appears. Authors of accepted paper shall pay a processing fee of N5, 000 (five thousand naira).

All Correspondence by Authors to:
The Editor-in-Chief Lead City Journal of the Social Sciences (LCJSS)
Faculty of the Social Sciences & Entrepreneurial Studies
Lead City University,
Email: ,,
Tel: Editors: , , , and

Prof. Ayo Olukotun
Prof. Olatundun Adelegan
Prof. Adetanwa Odebiyi
Deputy Editor
Prof. Kabir Aderemi Adeyemo
Dr. Yunus Kayode Adeigbe
Dr. Iyabobola Ajibola
Dr. Tunde Oseni
Dr Olusola Ogunjimi