- Language: English
- Established Year: 2006
- Published Articles: 360

Executive Editor | : | Prof. Michael Horsfall Jnr. |
Publication Frequency | : | Quarterly |
Publisher | : | University of Port Harcourt |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-19 No-2 (2015)
- - Anti-Diarrheal Activity of The Aqueous Leaf Extract of Ageratum Conyzoides In Wistar Rats
- - Assessment of Physicochemical Characteristics of Produced Water From Terminals of Some Oil Industry Facilities...
- - The Effects of Storage On Sachet Water Quality In Ogun State, Nigeria
- - Effect of Mercury On Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Mungbean (VIGNA RADIATA (L.) Wilczek)
- - Geotechnical Characterization of Some Clay Soils For Use As Landfill Liner
- - Levels of Some Heavy Metals In Cassava and Plantain From Farmlands In Kaani and Kpean In Khana Local Government...
- - Comparison of The Extraction Efficiencies of Four Different Solvents Used In Trace Metal Digestion of Selected...
- - Fuzzy Based Design For Third-Party Pipeline Failures In The Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
- - Stable isotope Characteristics of Akiri Vein Copper Mineralization In Nasarawa, Nigeria
- - Effect of Variety and Nutrient On Insect Pest Infestation of Amaranthus Spp
- - Analysis of The Physiochemical Burden of Oyo State Fish Pond, Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria
- - Development and Performance Evaluation of A Rain Shade For A Low Scale Agricultural Produce
- - Studies of Heavy Metal Contents and Microbial Composition of Rhizosphere of Panicum Maximum Within and Around...
- - Adsorption of Crystal Violet Onto Adsorbents Derived From Agricultural Wastes: Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies
- - Influence of Health Education On Prevention of Drug Abuse
- - Geoelectrical Characterization of Aquifer Precincts In Parts of Lapai, North Central Nigeria
- - Survey of Waste Disposal Methods In Awka Metropolis
- - Evaluation of Heavy and Trace Metals In Fingernails of Young School Children and Adults In Ilorin, Kwara State,...
- - Production Cost Efficiency and Profitability of Abakaliki Rice In Ihialia Local Government Area of Anambra...
- - Insect Pest Occurrence On Cultivated Amaranthus Spp In Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria
- Vol-19 No-1 (2015)
- - Public Perception of Potable Water Supply In Abeokuta South West, Nigeria
- - Assessment of Public Perspectives On Quality Control Measures In Public Water Supply In Oyo State, Nigeria
- - Assessment of In-Situ Natural Dendroremediation Capability of Rhizophora Racemosa In A Heavy Metal Polluted...
- - Some Physical Properties of Vernonia Amygdalina and Garcinia Kola Microspheres Prepared With High Molecular...
- - Information Needs of Youths Involved In Urban Agriculture As Strategy For Checking Unemployment In Epe LGA of...
- - Biofilm Formation of Salmonella Species isolated From Fresh Cabbage and Spinach
- - Aeropalynological Investigation of The University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
- - Determination of Radiological Hazard Associated With The Use of Imayan River Sediment As Building Material
- - The Checklist and Abundances of Small Mammals In Idu, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
- - Quantitative Evaluation of Serum Progesterone Levels In The Three Trimesters of Pregnancy In Albino Rat.
- - Micro-Credit Access and Profitability On Crop Production In Orhionmwon Local Government Area of Edo State,...
- - Measurement of Indoor and Outdoor Background Ionising Radiation Levels of Kwali General Hospital, Abuja
- - Distribution of Arsenic (AS) In Water, Sediment and Fish From A Shallow Tropical Reservoir (AIBA RESERVOIR,...
- - The Impact of Cow Dung Augmentation For Remediation of Crude Oil Polluted Soil By Eleusine Indica
- - Performance Modelling of Steam Turbine Performance Using Fuzzy Logic Membership Functions.
- - Assessing of Channel Roughness and Temperature Variations On Waste Water Quality Parameters Using Numerical...
- - Palm Oil, Its Nutritional and Health Implications (REVIEW)
- - Comparism of Corrosion Inhibitory Effect of 4-[(3,4-DIMETHOXYBENZYLIDENE)Amino]-1,5-...
- - Mangifera Indica Leave Extracts As Organic Inhibitors On The Corrosion of Zinc Sheet In 5 M H2So4 Solution
- - Stem Bark Extracts of Ficus Exasperata Protects The Liver Against Paracetamol Induced Toxicity In Wistar Rats
- - Some Advice About The Water Strategy of China To Keep The Water Balance In 2025
- - Effect of Cnidoscolus Aconitifolius (FAMILY EUPHORBIACEAE) Aqueous Leaf Extract On Some Antioxidant Enzymes and...
- - In Vitro Assessment of The Antimicrobial Activities of Leaf and Stem Extracts of Alchornea Cordifolia
- Vol-18 No-4 (2015)
- - Life Cycle Assessment of Municipal Waste Management System (CASE STUDY: KARAJ, IRAN)
- Vol-18 No-4 (2014)
- - Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activities of isolated Compounds From The Leaf of The White Specie of Sesamum...
- - Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activities of isolated Compounds From The Leaf of The White Specie of Sesamum...
- - Antifeedant and Toxic Effect of Crude Extract From Flourensia Oolepis and Their Impact On Nutritional...
- - Metric Distance Ranking Technique For Fuzzy Critical Path Analysis
- - Composition of Fungal Flora In Raw Refinery Effluent Retention Pond and A Treated Effluent Recipient River
- - Evaluation of Noise Pollution and Effects On Workers During Wheat Processing
- - Socio Economic Assessment of Urban Forestry Respondents Income In Okitipupa, Ondo State, Nigeria
- - Determination of Trace Elements In Urban Airborne Particulates (PM10) Using Energy Dispersive X-Ray...
- - Sublethal Toxic Effects of Spent Oil Based Drilling Mud and Cuttings To Earthworm Aporrectodea Longa.
- - Resistance To Some Heavy Metals Among Fungal Flora of Raw Refinery Effluent
- - Assessment of Anthropogenic Activities On Water Quality of Benin River
- - Tree Leaves As Bioindicator of Heavy Metal Pollution In Mechanic Village, Ogun State.
- - Impact of Flooding On Fishermen’S Families In Pedro Community, Iwaya-Lagos, Nigeria
- - Essential and Non-Essential Metals Profile In Blood of Some Nigerian Pregnant Women
- - Effects of Fungal Filtrates On Seed Germination and Leaf Anatomy of Maize Seedlings (ZEA MAYS L., POACEAE)
- - Effect of Radiofrequency Radiation From Telecommunication Base Stations On Microbial Diversity and Antibiotic...
- - Characterization of Soil and Sediment Parameters of Jisike-Izombe Upper Aquifer System For Assessment of The...
- Vol-18 No-3 (2014)
- - Biodiversity of Soil Arthropods In Nigerian Institute For Oil Palm Research (NIFOR), Nigeria
- - Adaptation In Atriplex Griffithii and Prosopis Juliflora Plants In Response To Cement Dust Pollution
- - Assessment of Population Density and Disparity of Village Weaverbirds (PLOCEUS CUCULLATUS) Along Three Selected...
- - Evaluation of Arthropod Diversity and Abundance In Contrasting Habitat, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
- - Effect of Spent Lubricating Oil On The Composition and Abundance of Arthropod Communities of An Urban Soil
- - Essential Oils and Fatty Acids Composition of Dry Fruits of Tetrapleura Tetraptera
- - Nanoclay Performance On Resistance of Clay Under Freezing Cycles
- - Structure, Conduct and Performance of Plantain Marketing In Edo State, Nigeria
- - Adsorption Studies of Heavy Metals By Low-Cost Adsorbents
- - Measuring Nitrate and Nitrite Concentrations In Vegetables, Fruits In Shiraz
- - Kinetic Analysis of The Oxidation of Nitrate Ion By Methylthioninium Chloride In Acid Medium
- - Public Perceptions of Urban Forests In Okitipupa Nigeria: Implication For Environmental Conservation
- - Seasonal Variation In Plants Consumption Pattern By Foraging Olive Baboons (PAPIO ANUBIS. LESSON, 1827) Inside...
- - An Evaluation of Infestation of Insect Pests of Flours In Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria
- - Statistical Analysis of Industrial Processed Cheese Puffs
- - Chemical Changes During The Fortification of Cassava Meal (GARI) With African Breadfruit (TRECULIA AFRICANA)...
- - Sine-Wave Three Phase Resonance Inverter For Operation of Renewable Energy Systems
- - Effect of N-Decyl-N-N-Dimethyl-3-Ammonio-1-Propanesulfonate On The Solution Properties of Sodium Dodecyl...
- - Conductivity Studies of Binary Mixtures of Ionic and Non-Ionic Surfactants At Different Temperatures and...
- - Effect of Protein Deficient Diets On The Growth and Carcass Protein Ash Ratio of African Catfish Clarias...
- - Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Inhibition of Aluminum In Hydrochloric Acid By Date Palm Leaf Extract
- - Fire Extinguishing Strength of The Combustion Product of Wood Saw Dust (ASH)
- Vol-18 No-2 (2014)
- - Performance Evaluation of Refractory Bricks Produced From Locally Sourced Clay Materials
- - Effect of Cutting Fluids On The Flank Wear of High Speed and Carbide Tipped Cutting Tools
- - Evaluation of Antibiotic Resistant Gene In Abattoir Environment
- - Antifungal Effect of Polar and Non Polar Extracts of Aframomum Sceptrum On Two isolates of Oil Palm
- - Evaluation of Subgrade Soils Using California Bearing Ratio (CBR) In Parts of Rivers State
- - Levels of Trace Metals In Surface Sediments From Kalabari Creeks, Rivers State, Nigeria
- - A Study of The Constraint To Formulation and Implementation of Waste Management Policies In Benin Metropolis,...
- - Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activities of Some Nicotinamide Metal Complexes
- - Characterisation of Domestic Solid Waste For The Determination of Waste Management Option In Amassoma, Bayelsa...
- - Physico-Chemical Properties of Serendipity Berry (DIOSCOREOPHYLLUM CUMMINSII) Fruit
- - Effects of Watermelon (CITRULLUS LANATUS) Seed On Blood Glucose and Electrolyte Parameters In Diabetic Wistar...
- - Oral Bioaccessibility of Potentially Toxic Elements (PTES) In Urban Dusts of Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
- - Effect of Biological and Chemical Ripening Agents On The Nutritional and Metal Composition of Banana (MUSA SPP)
- - A Database Query Processing Model In Peer-To-Peer Network
- - Multiple Antibiotics Resistant Among Environmental isolates of Stenotrophomonas Maltophilia
- - Heavy Metal Distribution In The Vicinity of Automobile Scrap Sites In Agbor, Nigeria
- - Physio-Chemical Analysis of Industrial Effluents In Parts of Edo States Nigeria
- - Histopathological Changes In The Brain Tissue of Africa Catfish Exposure To Glyphosate Herbicide.
- - Variations In Amylase and Invertase Activities In Solanum Species (EGGPLANTS) During Ripening
- - Measurement of Gamma Radiation In An Automobile Mechanic Village In Abuja, North Central, Nigeria
- - Physico- Chemical Characteristics of Compost (COTONOU, BENIN, WEST AFRICA)
- - Fate, Distribution and Sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS) In Contaminated Soils In Parts of...
- - Inhibition and Absorption Impact of Leave Extracts of Conidoscolus Aconitifolius On Corrosion of Aluminium...
- - Evaluation of Extension Agents Commitment To The Agricultural Loans and Inputs Supply Programme On Special Rice...
- - Changes In Functional and Pasting Properties of Trifoliate Yam Flour During Storage
- - Effect of Antiretroviral Drug (ARVED) On The Kidney In Albino Rat
- - Preparation and Characterization of Metal Soaps of Cocos Nucifera Seed Oil
- - Status of Potentially Harmful Elements (PHES) In Soils Around The Vicinity of A Newly Constructed Sporting...
- - Bio-Diesel Production From Oil of Orange (CITRUS SINENSIS) Peels As Feedstock
- Vol-18 No-1 (2014)
- - Parasitological Profile of Raw Waste Water and The Efficacy of Biosand Filter In Reduction of Parasite Ova and...
- - Aspects of Geo-Mathematical Diagnoses and Prognoses From Physiochemical Analyses In Landfills and Other Areas...
- - Heavy Metal Concentrations In Bottom Sediments of Ikpoba River, Edo State, Nigeria
- - Assessment of Potential Abatement Provided By Annona Muricata (PRICKLY CUSTARD APPLE LEAVE) On The Toxic...
- - Climate Change, Sea Level Rise and Coastal Inundation Along Part of Nigeria Barrier Lagoon Coast
- - Toxicological Evaluation of Ethanol Extract of Adenium Obesum Stem Bark In African Catfish, Clarias Gariepinus
- - Impact Assessment and Bioremediation of Oil Contaminated Soil: A Case Study of Koko and Ajoki Communities,...
- - Synthesis and Characterization of 4-[(E)-(-2,5- DIMETHOXYBENZYLIDENE)Amino] Benzoic Acid Schiff Base and...
- - Determination of The Levels of Heavy Metal (CU, FE, NI, PB AND CD) Up Take of Pumpkin (TELFAIRIA OCCIDENTALIS)...
- - Elemental Concentration of Inhalable and Respirable Particulate Matter In Urban Area During Wet Season
- - Influence of Tree Characters and Climate On Litter Characteristics In Daniellia Oliveri (ROLFE) Hutch. &...
- - Phytochemical and In-Vitro Antimicrobial Screening of Sanseviera Liberica GéRôMe and Labroy (AGAVACEAE) Root...
- - The Effect of Detergent Effluent On The Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Plankton Diversity of Osere...
- - Effect of Consuming Rooftop Harvested Rain Water From Esan Communities In Edo State Nigeria On Some...
- - Short Term Effect of Aqueous Extracts of Root, Pod, and Stem of Telfairia Occidentalis On Some Biochemical...
- - Comparative Analysis of Profitability of Layers Production In Esan North East and Ovia North East Local...
- - Status of African Baobab (ADANSONIA DIGITATA ) Across Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe
- - Suitability of Moshi Pumice For Phosphorus Sorption In Constructed Wetlands
- - Kinetic Evaluation of Naphthalene Removal Using Acid - Modified and Unmodified Bentonite Clay Mineral
- - Biochemical Investigation On The Activities of Acid and Alkaline Phosphatases In Two Varieties of Carica Papaya...
- Vol-17 No-4 (2013)
- - The Influence of Meteorological Parameters On Respirable and Inhalabe Particle During Wet Season
- - Development of Naphthalene Catabolism In Al and Fe Contaminated Soil
- - Concentration and Environmental Implication of Heavy Metals In Surface Water In Aguobiri Community, Southern...
- - Woody Vegetation Structure and Composition In Mapembe Nature Reserve, Eastern Zimbabwe
- - Antimicrobial Activity of Cu, Ni Carboxylates of Castor (RICINUS COMMUNIS) Seed Oil and Their Calcinated...
- - Quality Assessment of Water Potability In Aguobiri Southern Ijaw Local Government Area, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
- - Phytoremediation Potentials of Water Hyacinth. Eichornia Crassipes (MART.) Solms In Crude Oil Polluted Water
- - Assessment of Traffic Related Heavy Metals Pollution of Roadside Soils In Emerging Urban Centres In Ijebu-North...
- - Eutrophication, Sediment Phosphorus Fractionation and Short-Term Mobility Study In The Surface and Under...
- - Peculiar Pattern of Antibiotic Resistance In Bacteria isolated From Various Sources In South-East Nigeria and...
- - Antimicrobial Activity of Cu, Ni Carboxylates of Castor (RICINUS COMMUNIS) Seed Oil and Their Calcinated...
- - The Illusion In The Presentation of The Rank of A Web Page With Dangling Links
- - Levels of Selected Heavy Metals In Some Brands of Cigarettes Marketed In University of Port Harcourt, Rivers...
- - Detoxification Effect of Fermentation On Cyanide Content of Cassava Tuber
- - Impact of Waste Dump On The Sediment and Surface Water Quality of Otamiri River, Nigeria
- - Variation of Heavy Metals In Canned Geisha and Founty Mackerel Fish Brands Obtained From Choba Market Port...
- - Evaluations of Ph and High Ionic Strength Solution Effect In Cadmium Removal By Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles
- - Susceptibilities of Clinical Bacteria isolates To Two Ethanolic Extracts of Terminalia Schimperiana
- - Cola Rostrata: Phytochemical and Toxicity Studies
- - Effect of Mixing Ratios On Proximate Composition and Consumer Acceptability of “Gurundi” Snack Prepared...
- Vol-17 No-3 (2013)
- - Photo-Catalytic Degradation of Chlorendic Acid Degradation Products
- - Chemical Characterization, Anti Inflammatory and Analgesic Properties of Jatropha Multifida Root Bark
- - Efficiency of Extraction of Trace Metals From Blood Samples Using Wet Digestion and Microwave Digestion...
- - Trichomonas Vaginalis Infection Among Women In Ikwuano Abia State Nigeria
- - Review of Hosein Aabad Sugar Factory (HASF) Waste Water and Assessment of Its Pollution Load
- - Wintering Map For Honey Bee Colonies In El-Behera Governorate, Egypt By Using Geographical Information System...
- - Application of Recycled Rubber From Scrap Tyres In The Adsorption of Toluene From Aqueous Solution
- - Heavy Metal Concentrations Around A Hospital Incinerator and A Municipal Dumpsite In Ibadan City, South-West...
- - Comparative Study of Heavy Metals Distribution In A Mechanic Workshop and A Refuse Dumpsite In Oluku and...
- - Antiproliferative and Pro-Apoptotic Activities of The Stem Bark of Persea Americana (LAURACEAE) Mill In Human...
- Vol-17 No-2 (2013)
- - Determination of Levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Soil Contaminated With Spent Motor Engine Oil In...
- - Estimation of Para Red Dye In Chilli Powder and Tomato Sauces By A Simple Spectrophotmetric Method Followed By...
- - Effects of Oil Spillage On Soil and Surface Water In Odoro Ikot Ukanafun Area Akwa Ibom State
- - Growth and Biochemical Performance of Cassava-Manihot Esculenta Crantz To Crude Oil Polluted Soil Amended With...
- - Monitoring of Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks In Different Land Use Under Surface Water Erosion In A...
- - Characterization of Wastes and Their Recycling Potentials; A Case Study of East-West Road, Port Harcourt
- - Review On Chemical Treatment of Industrial Waste Water
- - Elucidation of Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Mycoflora of Bovine Milk Available In Selected Area of...
- - Gross A and B Activity Concentration and Estimation of Adults and Infants Dose Intake In Surface and Ground...
- - Atmospheric Pollution From The Major Mobile Telecommunication Companies In Tanzania
- - Radiological Impact of Oil and Gas Activities In Selected Oil Fields In Production Land Area of Delta State,...
- - Assessment of Heavy Metal Residues In Water, Fish Tissue and Human Blood From Ubeji, Warri, Delta State,...
- - The Challenges of Rapid Urbanization On Sustainable Development of Nyanya, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja,...
- - Predicting The Concentration Characteristics of Itakpe Iron Ore For Cut-off Grade Estimation
- - Evaluation of The Influence of Salt Treatment On The Structure of Pyrolyzed Periwinkle Shell
- - Seasonal Evaluation of Groundwater Quality Around Igando Dumpsites In Lagos Metropolis Using Correlation and...
- Vol-17 No-1 (2013)
- - Application of Fuzzy Theory To Project Scheduling With Critical Path Method
- - Impact of Partially Treated Sewage Effluent On The Water Quality of Recipient Epie Creek Niger Delta, Nigeria...
- - Effect of Cassava Based Diet On Lipids Concentration In Albino Rats Fed With Crude Oil Contaminated Diet
- - Sublethal Effects of Diesel On Total Protein Levels and Cholesterol In Tympanotonus Fuscatus
- - An Assessment of Heavy Metals In Synodontis Clarias (LINNAEUS, 1766) From Ikpoba Reservoir, Benin City, Nigeria
- - Influence of The Measurement Medium and Matrix Modifiers On The Determination of Silicon In Waters By Graphite...
- - Dyslipidemias In Normotensive and Hypertensive Individuals
- - Phytochemical Screening, Proximate and Elemental Analysis of Citrus Sinensis Peels (L.) Osbeck
- - Protected Areas For Environmental Sustainability In Nigeria
- - Differential Sensitivity of Nitrogen-Fixing, Azolla Microphylla To Organochlorine and Organophosphate...
- - Ecogeographical Amplitude and Habitat of Two Species of The Genus- Terminalia (COMBRETACEAE) In The Central...
- - Breaking Seed Dormancy In Tamarind (TAMARINDUS INDICA) A Case Study of Gombe Local Government Area
- - Trends In Vegetation Cover Changes In Bonny Area of The Niger Delta
- - Bacteriology Quality of Zobo Drinks Consumed In Some Parts of Osun State, Nigeria
- - Effect of Hydrochloric Acid, Mechanical Scarification, Wet Heat Treatment On Germination of Seed of Parkia...
- - Effect of Rifampicin On The Kidney of Albino Rats
- - Effect of Rifampicin On The Lipid Profile of Albino Rats
- - Effects of Brinkman Number On Thermal-Driven Convective Spherical Dynamos
- Vol-16 No-4 (2012)
- - A Survey Study On Design Procedure of Seismic Base isolation Systems
- - Effect of Automechanic Works On Lead and Iron Content In Two Mechanic Villages In Port Harcourt, Rivers State...
- - Accumulation of Heavy Metals (PB, CD, V) In Sediment, Roots and Leaves of Mangrove Species In Sirik Creek Along...
- - Synthesis, Characterization and Application of 2-Line and 6-Line Ferrihydrite To Pb(II) Removal From Aqueous...
- - Synergic Effect of Citric Acid and Red Onion Skin Extract On The Oxidative Stability of Vegetable Oil
- - Correlation Between Soil Organic Matter, Total Organic Matter and Water Content With Climate and Depths of Soil...
- - Epidemiology of Helminth Parasites of West African Dwarf Goat(CAPRA HIRCUS) In Umuariaga In Ikwuano L.G.A,...
- - Quality Assessment of Soaps Produced From Palm Bunch Ash-Derived Alkali and Coconut Oil
- - Malaria Parasitemia and Anaemia Among Pregnant Women In Umuahia Metropolis
- - Survey of Vegetation Cover Changes In Forcados Area of The Niger Delta
- Vol-16 No-3 (2012)
- - isolation and Screening of Highly Cellulolytic Filamentous Fungi
- - isolation and Screening of Highly Cellulolytic Filamentous Fungi
- - Preliminary Evaluation of Some Engineering Geological Properties of Soils In The New Yenagoa Town, Bayelsa...
- - Public Perception of Environmental Pollution In Warri, Nigeria
- - Design, Construction and Testing of A Dry Sand Sieving Machine
- - Ground Water Quality Determination of Former Lake Haramaya, Haramaya District, Eastern Haranghe Zone, Oroma...
- - Trace Elements In Sediments of Selected Gutters and Bar – Beach, Lagos, Nigeria
- - Design, Construction and Testing of A Dry Sand Sieving Machine
- - Effectiveness of Nigerian Bamboo Activated With Different Activating Agents On The Adsorption of Btx
- - Haematological and Biochemical Studies On Some Species of Fishes
- - The Role of Numerical Methods In The Sensitivity Analysis of A Density Parameter In A Passivation Rate...
- - Preliminary Studies On The Development and Evaluation of Instant Pounded Yam From Dioscorea Alata
- - Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Methanol Extract and Fractions of Picralima Nitida (APOCEANACEA)
- - Evaluation of Zinc Solubilization Potential By Different Strains of Fluorescent Pseudomonads
- - Advance Model For Seismic Base isolation Systems of Building
- Vol-16 No-2 (2012)
- - Preliminary Studies On The Development of Meat Balls
- - Evaluation of Iron Ore Deposits In Elayiram Pannai, Sattur Taluk, Virudhunagar District and Tamilnadu Using 2D...
- - Soil Carbon Characteristics of A Fluvisol Affected By Aggregates From Two Tillage and Crop Regimes
- - Sensitivity Analysis of A Physiochemical Interaction Model Undergoing Changes In The Initial Condition and...
- - The Effects of Mother-Plant Irrigation Schedule On The Quality of Tomato (LYCOPERSICUM ESCULENTUM) Seed
- - Bio-Deterioration of Sweet Potato (IPOMOEA BATATAS LAM) In Storage, Inoculation-Induced Quality Changes, and...
- - Effects of Long-Term Kerosene Spillage On Heterotrophic Microorganisms In Soil From Niger Delta, Southern...
- - Impacts of Effluents On The Limnology of A Tropical River, Southwestern Nigeria
- - The Preliminary Design and Fabrication of A Manually Operated Briquetting Machine
- - A Molluscicidal Triterpenoid Saponin From The Fruits of Napoleonaea P. Beauv (LECYTHIDACEAE)
- - Haematological and Biochemical Studies On Some Ruminants
- Vol-16 No-1 (2012)
- - Evaluation of Composting and The Quality of Compost From The Source Separated Municipal Solid Waste
- - isolation of Mesophyll Protoplasts From Leaves of Dalbergia Sissoo Rox
- - Growth Response of Taro (COLOCASIA ESCULENTA L.) In Soil Polluted With Abura Petroleum Oil
- - Public Awareness of Low-Carbon Economy In Nigeria: A Case Study of Akwa Ibom State
- - Performance Evaluation of Produced Water Quality From A Nearshore Oil Treatment Facility
- - Use of Artemisinin- Combination Therapies In Port Harcourt
- - Determinants of Access and Farmers Use of Information and Communication Technologies (1CTS) In Edo State,...
- - Seasonal Variations In The Composition and Distribution of Planktonic Fauna In The Eastern Lagos Lagoon,...
- - Effect of Breed On The Composition of Cow Milk Under Traditional Management Practices In Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
- - Determination of The Concentration of Total Cyanide In Waste Water of A Tobacco Company In Southwestern...
- - Empirical Model For Estimating The Surface Roughness of Machined Components Under Various Cutting Speed
- - Equilibrium Studies of Fluoride Adsorption Onto A Ferric Poly−Mineral From Kenya
- - Assessment of Air Quality and Noise Around Okrika Communities, Rivers State, Nigeria
- - Effects of Vegetated and Synthetic (IMPERVIOUS) Surfaces On The Microclimate of Urban Area
- - Delphi Fuzzy Elicitation Technique In The Determination of Third Party Failure Probability of Onshore...
- - Soil and Groundwater Characteristics of A Legacy Spill Site
- - Measurement of Remaining Storage, Rate of Siltation, and Rate of Erosion of The Ahmadu Bello University Farm...
- - Air Quality Survey of Some Locations In The Niger Delta Area
- - Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns and Plasmid Profile of Vibrio Cholerae From Water Samples In Elele...
- - Distributed Approximating Functional Approach To Burgers Equation Using Element Differential Quadrature Method
- - Identification and isolation of Mollisols In Savadkooh Region
- - Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Fresh Maize Leaves With Elephant Grass
- - Presentation of Coastal Environmental Management Plan By Using Swot/Ahp Methods
- - Effects of Growth Hormones On Sprouting and Rooting of Jatropha Curcas L. Stem Cuttings
- - Effects of Pollution On Vibrios In Woji River
- - Trace Elements Concentrations In Water and Aquatic Biota From Ase Creek In Niger Delta
- Vol-15 No-31 (2011)
- - Investigation of Hydro-Geochemical Characteristics of Groundwater In Port Harcourt City, Nigeria: Implication...
- Vol-15 No-4 (2011)
- - In-Vitro Characterization of Optimized Multi-Unit Dosage Forms of Theophylline and Its Solid State...
- - Hydrochemistry of A Tropical Harbor: Influence of Industrial and Municipal Inputs
- - Kinetic, Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Studies On The Biosorption of Cd(II) From Aqueous Solutions By The Leaf...
- - Preliminary Interpretation of The Ground Magnetic Survey Around Oguta Lake In Imo State, South Eastern Nigeria
- - A Study of The Solid Waste Chain In Benin Metropolis, Nigeria
- - A Comparative Kinetic Study of Acidic Hydrolysis of Wastes Cellulose From Agricultural Derived Biomass
- - Comparative Studies On The Amylase and Cellulase Production of Aspergillus and Penicillium
- - A Study of Static Performance of Fixed Inclined Slider Bearings – A Power Law Model
- - Regulatory Mechanisms For Underground Waste Disposal In Nigeria: Review and Implications For Environmental...
- - Anti-Termite Activity of Essential Oil and Its Components From Myristica Fragrans Against Microcerotermes...
- - Analysis of Food Insecurity and Surveillance Based On The Fanp Method In The Northwest of Iran
- - Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Levels of Some Local Vegetables (VERNOMIA ANYDALIRA, MANIHOT ESCULENTA,...
- - Bioremediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Contaminated Aqueous-Soil Matrix: Effect of Co-Contamination
- - Using The Hopfield Fuzzy C Means Algorithm For Clustering of People Based On Food Insecurity and Obesity In The...
- - Petroleum Hydrocarbons Contamination Profile of Ochani Stream In Ejamah Ebubu, Eleme Local Government Area of...
- - Anti-Termite Activity of Essential Oil and Its Components From Myristica Fragrans Against Microcerotermes...
- - Biodegradation Potential of Oil-Based Drill Cuttings Encapsulated With Cement In The Soil Environment
- - Bacteriological and Physicochemical Qualities of Ebutte River In Ebutte Community, Uhunmwonde Local Government...
- - Microbiological and Physicochemical Analyses of Oil Contaminated Soil From Major Motor Mechanic Workshops In...
- - The Hydrochemistry of Angwan Mallam and Environs (PART OF KEFFI SHEET 208 NE)
- Vol-15 No-3 (2011)
- - Phytoremediation: Soil Ph, Moisture Content, Structure and Textural Assessment In A Macrophytic Treatment of...
- - Phytochemical Investigation On The Seed of Sphenostylis Stenocarpa (HOCHST EX A. RICH.) Harms (FAMILY FABACEAE)
- - Cyclical Changes In Prolactin Levels Among Infertile Women Attending University of Port Harcourt Teaching...
- - Quality Evaluation of Household Wastewater For Irrigation
- - Briquetting of Palm Kernel Shell
- - Synthesis and Biological Activities of Some Benzimidazoles Derivatives
- - Evaluation of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPS) In Bronze Casting Enterprise At Egun Street, Benin City, Edo...
- - Residual Effect of Lead On Early Growth of Fluted Pumpkin (TELFAIRIA OCCIDENTALIS HOOK F) In An Ultisol
- - Adsorption of Acetic Acid, Cadmium Ions, Lead Ions and Iodine Using Activated Carbon From Waste Wood and Rice...
- - Bioremediation of Soil Microcosms From Auto-Mechanic Workshops
- - Chromium Tolerance and Bioremoval By Cyanobacteria isolated From Textile Mill Oxidation Pond In Pure and...
- - Residual Effect of Chromium On Early Growth of Fluted Pumpkin (TELFAIRIA OCCIDENTALIS HOOK F) In An Ultisol
- - Application of Time Study Model In Rice Milling Firm: A Case Study
- - An Assessment of The Microbiological Quality and Physical Properties of Indoor Atmosphere In Port Harcourt
- - Distribution Pattern of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS) In Soils In The Vicinity of Fuel Stations In Abraka,...
- - The Ineffectiveness of Manual Treatment of Swimming Pools
- - Application of Data Clustering Embedded In Fuzzy Classifier Expert System For Water Quality Recognition
- - Geoelectric Evaluation of Groundwater Potential: A Case Study of Sabongida-Ora and Environs, Southern Nigeria
- Vol-15 No-1 (2011)
- - Proximate Analysis On Four Edible Mushrooms
- - Effect of Poultry Manure and Urea-N On Flowering Occurrence and Leaf Productivity of Amaranthus Cruentus
- - Effects of Maternal Pb 2+ Poisoning During Pregnancy On The Development of The Jaw (MECKEL’S CARTILAGE) of...
- - A Survey of Anti-Biotic Usage and Its Effects In Port Harcourt City In The Niger Delta of Nigeria
- - Assessment of Meteorological Drought Hazard Area Using Gis In Ghareh Aghaj Basin, Iran
- - Description of The G-A Infiltration Model Using Chu and Chow Viewpoints
- - A Comparative Sem-Eds Elemental Composition of Mud In Coastal Aquaculture Ponds
- - Ecological Assessment of A Coastal Shallow Lagoon In Lagos, Nigeria: A Bio-Indicator Approach
- - Prevalence of Gills Helminth of Clarias Gariepinus In Baga Side of Lake Chad
- - Biodegradation of 2 - Methoxyethanol By A New Bacterium isolate Pseudomonas Sp. Strain Vb Under Aerobic...
- - Biodegradation of 2 - Methoxyethanol By A New Bacterium isolate Pseudomonas Sp. Strain Vb Under Aerobic...
- - Adsorption of Escherichia Coli Using Bone Char
- - Water Stress Assessment In Jharkhand State Using Soil Data and Gis
- - Evaluation of Microbial Systems For Biotreatment of Textile Waste Effluents In Nigeria: Biodecolourization and...
- - Influence of Water Quality On The Biodiversity of Phytoplankton In Dhamra River Estuary of Odisha Coast, Bay of...
- - Levels of Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Some Heavy Metals In Tissues of Tympanotonus Fuscatus Periwinkles From...
- - Biosorption of Cr (III) From Aqueous Solution By The Leaf Biomass of Calotropis Procera – ‘Bom Bom’
- - Divalent Metal Ion Removal From Aqueous Solution By Acid-Treated and Garlic-Treated Canna Indica Roots
- - Impact of Effluents On Water Quality and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Fauna of Awba Stream and Reservoir
- - Simulation of Water Quality Parameters From The Treatment of Wastewater Using Stabilization Ponds (CASE...
- - Groundwater Quality Assessment In Eti-Osa, Lagos-Nigeria Using Multivariate Analysis
- - Evaluation of Safety Practices and Performance In A Brewery Industry In Nigeria Between 2000 – 2007
- - Corrosion Behaviour of Steels In Nigerian Food Processing Environments
- - Evaluation of Activated Carbon From Fluted Pumpkin Stem Waste For Phenol and Chlorophenol Adsorption In A Fixed...
- - Effect of Storage Temperature and Sunlight Exposure On The Physicochemical Properties of Bottled Water In...
- - Tanzanian Botanical Derivatives In The Control of Malaria Vectors: Opportunities and Challenges
- - Model Validation and Verification of Data Mining From The Knowledge Workers Productivity Approach
- - Monitoring Residual Chlorine Decay and Coliform Contamination In Water Distribution Network of Kampala, Uganda
- - Effect of Brewing Time and Temperature On The Release of Manganese and Oxalate From Lipton Tea and Azadirachta...
- - The Effects of Water Potential On Some Microbial Populations and Decrease Kinetic of Organic Carbon In Soil...
- - Dynamics of Forest Cover Conversion In and Around Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, South- Western Uganda
- - Trace Elements Removal From Waster Water By Ceratophyllum Demersum
- - isolation and Screening of Amylolytic Filamentous Fungi
- - A Review of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metal Contamination of Fish From Fish Farms
- - Heavy Metals In Soils of Auto- Mechanic Shops and Refuse Dumpsites In Makurdi Nigeria
- - Genotoxicity Screening of Industrial Effluents Using Onion Bulbs ( ALLIUM CEPA L.)
- - Performance of Teak ( TECTONA GRANDIS L.F ) Wood On Exposure To Outdoor Weather Conditions
- - Effect of Cassava Based Diet On Hepatic Proteins In Albino Rats Fed With Crude Oil Contaminated Diet
- - Short Communication: A 24 Hour Ecotoxicity Test For Acid Mine Drainage Using Hatching Success In Daphnia Magna
- - A Review of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metal Contamination of Fish From Fish Farms
- Vol-14 No-13 (2010)
- - Effect of Prolong Exposure To Effects of Prolonged Exposure To Gas Flaring On Some Haematological Parameters of...
- Vol-14 No-3 (2010)
- - Evaluation of Synthetic Outlet Runoff Assessment Models
- - Effect of Electrolytes On The Adsorption of Nitrite and Nitrate From Aqueous Solutions By Activated Carbon
- Vol-14 No-1 (2010)
- - Manganese Concentrations In Hair and Fingernail of Some Kano Inhabitants
- - Comparative Study of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Using Trisodium Citrate, Normal Saline and Whole...
- - Determining Feasible Solutions of A Multicriteria Assignment Problem
- - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Content (TPH) As An Index Assessment of Macrophytic Remediation Process of A Crude...
- - Physicochemical and Microbial Assessment of Roadside Food and Water Samples In Lagos and Environs
- - Proximate Composition of Some Agricultural Wastes In Nigeria and Their Potential Use In Activated Carbon...
- - Nigerian Mushrooms: Underutilized Non-Wood Forest Resources
- - Effect of Pre-Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) and Cassava Mill Effluent (CME) On The Growth of...
- - Investigation of Corrosion of Buried Oil Pipeline By The Electrical Geophysical Methods
- - Measurement of Background Gamma Radiation Levels At Two Tertiary Institutions In Minna, Nigeria
- - Evaluation of Selected Biochemical Indices In Clarias Gariepinus Exposed To Aqueous Extract of Nigerian Crude...
- - Assessment of Combustion and Potash Production As Options For Management of Wood Waste
- - The Effects of Bitter Kola Supplemented Diet On Hepatotoxicity of Mercury In Wistar Rats
- - Physicochemical Characteristics and Heavy Metal Levels In Water Samples From Five River Systems In Delta State,...
- - Heavy Metal Contamination of Soils and Vegetation Around Solid Waste Dumps In Port Harcourt, Nigeria
- - The Effect of Storage On The Efficacy of Eugenia Aromatica (BAILL.) In The Control of Callosobruchus Maculatus...
- Vol-12 No-1 (2006)
- - Effect of Reaction Temperature and Time On The Recovery of Glycerol From Spent Lye
- Vol-5 No-1 (2016)
- - Awareness, Practice, and Predictors of Family Planning By Pregnant Women Attending A Tertiary Hospital In A...
- Vol-4 No-5 (2010)
- - Physicochemical Characteristics of Groundwater Quality From Yola Area, Northeastern Nigeria
- Vol-2 No-1 (2003)
- - Criminal Sanctions: Does Imprisonment Strategy Reduce Crimes?
- Vol-1 No-1 (0000)
- - Qafdthutmny
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Horsfall, M Jnr; Abia, A A (2003). Sorption of Cd (II) and Zn (II) from aqueous solutions by cassava waste biomass (Manihot esculenta Cranz). Wat Res 37: 4910 - 4923
Georges-Ivo, EE (2005). Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry and X-ray powder diffraction as complimentary techniques in characterizing clay size fraction of kaolin. J Appl Sci Environ Manage 9 (2): 43 - 48.
Meltzer, Y L (1971). Hormonal and Attractant Pesticide Technology. Noyes Data, Park Ridge, N.J.
Work in an edited Collection:
Latey, J (1985). Relationship between soil physical properties and crop production. In: Stewart BA (ed) Advances in Soil Science Vol. 1 Springer-Verlag, New York, p277. References by the same author(s) are arranged chronologically. If more than one reference by the same author(s) published in the same year are cited, use a, b, etc after the year of publication in both text and list.
- Prof. D. Sikoki
- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. M. Horsfall Jnr.
- Executive Editor