

Erasmus University Rotterdam International Institute of Social Studies PhD fellowships 2018 in Development Studies, Netherlands ( €1,750/Month)

Application Deadline: 15 March 2018. , The International Institute of Social Studies is recruiting outstanding students for 5 PhD fellowships in Development Studies within the ISS research programme Global Development and Social Justice. Thematic areas In the 2018 round, holders of a Master’s degree can apply… Continue Reading →

African Institute of Financial Markets and Risk Management (AIFMRM) PhD Student Fellowships 2018 (Fully Funded & R190 000 per annum)

Application Deadline: 15 November 2017 (late applications will be considered until all positions are filled) The African Institute of Financial Markets and Risk Management (AIFMRM) in the Faculty of Commerce at the University of Cape Town is a post graduate institute… Continue Reading →

Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship Programme 2018 in EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) for PhD Students

Application Deadline: 12th October 2017 Each year, PhD supervisors from academic institutions in EMEA are invited to submit their proposals for collaborative research projects with Microsoft Research Cambridge. Applications are then peer reviewed and up to 16 projects will be selected for… Continue Reading →

Wadsworth African Fellowships 2017 for Ph.D. Studies at a South African university (Fully Funded)

Application Deadline: December 15th 2017 The Wadsworth African Fellowships are intended to provide support for African students undertaking study leading to a Ph.D. at a South African university that can provide them with international-level training in anthropology (including biological anthropology… Continue Reading →

DAAD Postgraduate (Master’s/PhD) Scholarships 2018/2019 for Study in Germany (Fully Funded)

Application Deadline: Varying by Institution Postgraduate courses for young professionals from developing countries Internationally recognised Master’s and PhD degree Duration: 12-24 months for Master (depending on the particular institution) and 36 months for PhD Includes German Universities and “Fachhochschulen” (Universities… Continue Reading →

Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) MSc & PhD SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME (OVERSEAS & LOCAL) 2017/2018 for Nigerians

Application Deadline: December 31st 2016 The Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) is a parastatal under the Federal Ministry of Petroleum Resources established by law for the purpose of developing and promoting petroleum technology and for creating the human resource needs of the oil and gas industry… Continue Reading →

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