

Ingenta Joins the Meta AI Network: The Future of Search Engine

Ingenta Joins the Meta AI Network: The Future of Search Engine The research output has increased significantly over the years. According to one estimate, 2,000-4,000 papers are published every day in biomedicine field alone. The sheer volume of research makes… Continue Reading →

Image Manipulation on the Rise: Researcher Forced to Retract 20 Papers

Image Manipulation on the Rise: Researcher Forced to Retract 20 Papers The academic community is under threat as cases of image manipulation are on the rise. Scientific misconduct is gradually overshadowing scientific transparency. Recently another researcher was forced to retract… Continue Reading →

Researchers Boycott New Nature Journal on Machine Learning

Researchers Boycott New Nature Journal on Machine Learning Artificial intelligence or machine learning is where machines are programmed to simulate human traits such as problem-solving and learning. Machine learning researchers historically published their work in open access journals. However, Nature… Continue Reading →

Trump Strikes Again: White House Cancels NASA Research on Greenhouse Gases

Trump Strikes Again: White House Cancels NASA Research on Greenhouse Gases The Trump administration has taken yet another step against the global scientific community. This time NASA has fallen prey to this tyranny. The White House recently decided to stop… Continue Reading →

Nature Refuses to Publish Replication Attempts of Research

Nature Refuses to Publish Replication Attempts of Research Reproducibility of research is important for the academic community. Both researchers as well as publishers need to maintain strict laws regarding reproducibility of research. However, recently Nature initially showed interest in publishing an… Continue Reading →

Academic Publishers Form a Coalition with ResearchGate

Academic Publishers Form a Coalition with ResearchGate After months of conflict relating to copyright and open access infringement, ResearchGate appears to be on the road to recovery. It has recently signed an agreement to collaborate with giant publishers like Springer… Continue Reading →

The NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00): Did You Apply?

The NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00): Did You Apply? The National Institute of Health’s (NIH) Pathway to Independence (PI) K99/R00 program provides mentoring and support to budding postdoctoral researchers. The guidelines are institute-specific with few variations, including budget allocation… Continue Reading →

Using Social Media Data in Academic Research

The Mixed Blessing of Social Media Data The phenomenal growth in utilization rates of popular social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, offer academic researchers an absolute treasure trove of consumer-generated content for analysis. However, access to that… Continue Reading →

Are Scientists Using Social Media Effectively?

Are Scientists Using Social Media Effectively? The onset of the “social media” revolution was recognized about 15 years ago when Friendster was created as a means by which people with similar interests could interact online. This prompted other social networking… Continue Reading →

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